IBM App Connect for Healthcare Version 6.0.1

This documentation provides information for IBM® App Connect for Healthcare

Intended use of IBM App Connect for Healthcare

The following text is taken from the license for IBM App Connect for Healthcare.

IBM App Connect for Healthcare (the Program) is capable of transferring, storing and converting data related to medical devices (e.g., for polling and telemetry). Notwithstanding the foregoing, IBM is acting as an information technology provider only. IBM does not purport to be engaged in the practice of medicine or any other professional clinical or licensed activity, and the Program including all components and future updates, is not designed or intended to constitute (i) a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, treatment or judgment, (ii) a drug development tool subject to quality system requirements, or (iii) a medical device as defined under the laws of any jurisdiction. As between IBM and Licensee, Licensee is solely responsible for complying with all such laws and regulations relative to Licensee’s use of the Program.

However IBM grants no license for any of the following uses of the Program, which are all prohibited under this license:
  • Use to control or operate any bedside medical device for diagnostic, clinical, therapeutic or treatment purposes (for example, but without limitation, the administration of medication, anaesthetics, saline solutions and the like), including via any direct connection of the Program to any medical device, including but not limited to any point of care device.
  • Use for active patient monitoring (i.e., where the Program is used to enable prompt clinical action).
  • Use for decision support (i.e., where the Program is used as the basis to determine patient-specific treatment or clinical action).
  • Use in any active monitoring that depends on the timeliness of data transmission.
  • Use for the transmission of any medical data or medical images unless Licensee has first encrypted or codified the data or images so that they are transmitted as metadata.
IBM is not responsible for any additional regulatory clearance that may be required for any such use. Even if IBM separately agrees to extend the scope of the license to allow any such use, the Licensee must comply with any associated regulatory requirement.

About IBM App Connect for Healthcare

IBM App Connect for Healthcare builds on IBM App Connect Enterprise and later modification levels to provide support for applications in healthcare. For more information about the features of IBM App Connect for Healthcare, see Introduction to IBM App Connect for Healthcare

Use the following links to find information about how to use the features that are available in IBM App Connect for Healthcare.

Finding out about IBM App Connect Enterprise

Use the following links to get introductory information about IBM App Connect Enterprise: