Adding entries to the activity log by using a Log node

Add customized log entries to the activity log by using a Log node in the message flow.

About this task

You can customize activity log entries by adding one or more Log nodes to a flow, with a variety of log levels, custom messages, and custom fields.


To configure a Log node in a flow, complete the following steps:

  1. Add a Log node at the stage in the flow where you want to capture relevant data from previous nodes or provide contextual information that you want to send to the activity log.
  2. On the Basic tab of the node, click Configure.
    The Connector Discovery wizard opens, which you use to define the entry to be added to the activity log.
  3. Set the Log level by either selecting one of the predefined levels or by specifying a Custom value:
    • Select the Log level from the following options:
      Log information about an unexpected situation or error in the flow. Errors are generally emitted when an operation fails. This option results in an activity log entry at level error.
      Log an informational message at that step in the flow. This option results in an activity log entry at level info.
      Log detailed information for debugging purposes. This option results in an activity log entry at level info with a debug tag.
    • Use the Custom field to specify a custom value (such as a JSONata mapping) that references a field in the activity log entry, and which resolves to either error, info, or debug. This value is inserted as a tag into the log entry. You can use this option to log a custom entry about something significant that does not necessarily result in an HTTP error code being returned.
  4. In the Message detail field, specify the entry that you want to be added to the activity log.
    You can specify a hard-coded message (such as "Processing new ServiceNow incident"), values set by mapping inputs, or both. To use mapping, click the Insert mapping icon and then select an input from the displayed list of available mappings. For example, you might want to include the Flow name, the Flow invocation time, and the Integration server name. For example:
    This image shows the Log node icon.
  5. Optionally, you can define additional fields to include in the log entry, by adding properties in the Custom message fields section:
    1. Click Add property in the Custom message fields section to display the property editor.
    2. Specify the property name and the data type of the property.
    Any custom message fields that you define will appear as tags in the generated activity log entry.
  6. Click Save to save the settings and return them to the Log node.