New function added in Version 11.0 fix packs

Some fix packs and other maintenance packs deliver new functions.

The What's new in Version 11.0? topic introduces you to the main new function in IBM App Connect Enterprise Version 11.0. This "New function added in Version 11.0 fix packs" topic introduces the additional function or maintenance fixes that are added in fix packs.

Detailed information about the contents of fix packs and other maintenance packs is provided in Recommended fixes.

Last-minute changes, known problems, and workarounds are listed in IBM App Connect Enterprise Version 11.0 release notes.

More high-level information about IBM App Connect Enterprise Version 11.0 is provided in IBM App Connect Enterprise FAQ.

The latest IBM App Connect Enterprise Version 11.0 fix pack is

Fix Pack V11.0.0.26 enhancements

This fix pack contains maintenance fixes only.

Fix Pack V11.0.0.25 enhancements

This fix pack contains maintenance fixes only.

Fix Pack V11.0.0.24 enhancements

This fix pack contains maintenance fixes only.

Fix Pack V11.0.0.23 enhancements

This fix pack contains maintenance fixes only.

Fix Pack V11.0.0.22 enhancements

This fix pack contains maintenance fixes only.

Fix Pack V11.0.0.21 enhancements

This fix pack contains maintenance fixes only.

Fix Pack V11.0.0.20 enhancements

This fix pack contains maintenance fixes only.

Fix Pack V11.0.0.19 enhancements

This fix pack contains maintenance fixes only.

Fix Pack V11.0.0.18 enhancements

This fix pack contains maintenance fixes only.

Fix Pack V11.0.0.17 enhancements

This fix pack contains maintenance fixes only.

Fix Pack V11.0.0.16 enhancements

This fix pack contains maintenance fixes only.

Fix Pack V11.0.0.15 enhancements

This fix pack contains maintenance fixes only.

Fix Pack V11.0.0.14 enhancements

This fix pack contains maintenance fixes only.

Fix Pack V11.0.0.13 enhancements

This fix pack contains maintenance fixes only.

Fix Pack V11.0.0.12 enhancements

The following section describes the new features in Fix Pack V11.0.0.12.

MQEndpoint policy

More properties for the MQEndpoint policy
More properties are provided in the MQEndpoint policy:
  • CCDTUrl to support the use of CCDT URLs when you use HTTP.
  • MQApplName to configure the IBM MQ application name in uniform cluster interaction.
For more information, see MQEndpoint policy.

Fix Pack V11.0.0.11 enhancements

The following section describes the new features in Fix Pack V11.0.0.11.

Admin log

Enhancements to the App Connect Enterprise admin log

The App Connect Enterprise admin log is enhanced to include support for filtering entries that are displayed in the web user interface, by using wildcard searches and regular expressions. Admin log entries are now created for administration actions that are made through all MQSI commands, regardless of whether the integration node or server is running. Admin log entries can now be written to the console in ibmjson format.

For more information, see Viewing administration activity in the admin log.

IBM App Connect Dashboard

IBM App Connect Dashboard

You can create an IBM App Connect Dashboard, configure integration servers to connect to it, and create connections.

For more information, see Viewing integrations by using an IBM App Connect Dashboard.

Enhancements to MQEndpoint policy

Support for specifying an SSL certificate label in an IBM MQ client connection

You can specify the label of the certificate to be used when you establish an SSL client connection to a queue manager.

For more information, see Connecting to a secured IBM MQ queue manager and MQEndpoint policy.

Support for redeploying monitoring profiles

Redeploying monitoring profiles

If you redeploy a monitoring profile, all message flows that use the monitoring profile are stopped and restarted to use the new values.

For more information, see Deploying and redeploying a monitoring profile.

Fix Pack V11.0.0.10 enhancements

IBM App Connect Enterprise for zCX

Support for IBM App Connect Enterprise on IBM z/OS® Container Extensions (zCX)

IBM App Connect Enterprise IBM z/OS Container Extensions (zCX) enable z/OS customers to run traditional z/OS processes on IBM App Connect Enterprise in a Docker container. You can use either JCL or z/OS console commands to manage your integration servers and run IBM App Connect Enterprise commands.

For more information, see IBM App Connect Enterprise on IBM z/OS Container Extensions (zCX).

Operational Decision Manager (ODM) support

Dynamic update of ODM rulesets

Rulesets that are used by an integration server can be refreshed either automatically or manually when they are changed in the Operational Decision Manager (ODM) Rule Execution Server. For information, see Discovering and applying ruleset updates.

You can also choose when the ruleset engine compiles the ruleset by setting properties on the ODM Server policy.

For more information, see Using Operational Decision Manager (ODM) business rules.

ODM resource statistics
When the collection of resource statistics is active, statistics are returned for ODM rulesets that are used by the integration server. These statistics are reported as an overall summary and for each unique ODM ruleset that was used since the integration server started.

For more information, see Resource statistics data: ODM.

Enhanced authentication in the web user interface

Enhanced protection against excessive login attempts

If basic authentication is enabled, you can set the maximum number of login attempts that can be made within a specified period before the user is blocked.

For more information, see Authenticating users for administration.

RDQM support

Support for using an integration node with a replicated data queue manager (RDQM)

You can use IBM App Connect Enterprise with an IBM MQ replicated data queue manager (RDQM) to provide a high availability (HA) solution.

For more information, see Using an integration node with an RDQM configuration.

KafkaConsumer node enhancements

Wait for message offset to be committed to Kafka

You can configure the KafkaConsumer node to wait for the message offset to be committed to a Kafka cluster before the message is delivered to the message flow.

For more information, see KafkaConsumer node.

Automatic reconnection to a queue manager

Support for automatic reconnection to an IBM MQ queue manager

A Reconnect option property on the MQEndpoint policy controls whether the IBM MQ client automatically attempts to reconnect to the queue manager if the connection is lost. By default, the IBM MQ client's default reconnection strategy is used, which can be modified by using IBM MQ client configuration.

For more information, see MQEndpoint policy.

IBM MQ uniform clusters support

Support for using queues on an IBM MQ uniform cluster

You can configure IBM App Connect Enterprise to use queues on an IBM MQ uniform cluster. A uniform cluster is a specific pattern of IBM MQ cluster that provides a highly available and horizontally scaled small collection of queue managers. Queues that are defined on an IBM MQ uniform cluster can be useful in scenarios where one-way messaging is needed.

For more information, see Using queues on an IBM MQ uniform cluster.

Admin Log

Viewing administration activity in the Admin Log

App Connect Enterprise stores a log of user administration activity for each integration node and integration server. The Admin Log data includes details such as the timestamp, BIP message number, message text, and the username and authorized role of the user who carried out each action. The Admin Log can be stored in the file system, and the data can also be viewed through the Admin Log tab in the App Connect Enterprise web user interface.

For more information, see Viewing administration activity in the admin log.

Transformation Advisor enhancements

Running the Transformation Advisor tool for an integration server

You can collect and assess data for a specific integration server in an integration node backup, by specifying the --server parameter on the TADataCollector command.

For more information about using the Transformation Advisor tool, see Running the Transformation Advisor tool.

Uploading results to IBM Cloud® Transformation Advisor

You can upload the results from the Transformation Advisor tool to IBM Cloud Transformation Advisor.

For more information, see the IBM Cloud Transformation Advisor documentation online.

Fix Pack V11.0.0.9 enhancements

Authentication that uses locally stored credentials

Authentication that uses credentials from an independent integration server's vault

You can secure your integrations by implementing basic authentication on deployed integrations. With basic authentication, incoming HTTP requests must supply a username and password, which are authenticated against credentials that are stored in the independent integration server's vault.

For more information, see Authenticating incoming requests by using credentials stored in the vault.

Dynamic reload of new security certificates

Dynamic reload of server security certificates by using the administration REST API

You can use the administration REST API to dynamically load a new server security certificate. The server certificate is applied without the need to restart the integration server.

For more information, see Updating the HTTPS Connector resource manager by using the administration REST API.

Operational Decision Manager (ODM) support

Support is provided for using IBM Operational Decision Manager (ODM) business rules. In this fix pack, the ODM support is no longer subject to the Technology Preview Code terms of use that applied in Fix Pack V11.0.0.8.

Local ruleset archive

You can download an archive of rulesets from the Operational Decision Manager Rule Execution Server (RES) and store it on a local file system. You can then configure an ODM Server policy to specify this locally stored archive as the location for the ruleset to be used by the message flow. This method is an alternative to accessing a ruleset on the ODM server.

For more information, see Using a local ruleset archive.

Latest ruleset version
You can configure the ODMRules and JavaCompute nodes to use either a specific version of a ruleset or the latest version.

For more information, see Configuring the ruleset path and Obtaining a ruleset.

SASL/SCRAM authentication of connections to Kafka

Support for authenticating connections to a Kafka cluster by using SASL/SCRAM

You can configure KafkaProducer, KafkaConsumer, and KafkaRead nodes to authenticate with a Kafka cluster by using Salted Challenge Response Authentication Mechanism (SCRAM) or SASL/SCRAM.

For more information, see Authenticating connections to a Kafka cluster by using SASL/SCRAM.

Activity Logs in the web user interface

Activity Log view in the web user interface

You can view Activity Log data for a message flow by using the App Connect Enterprise web user interface.

For more information, see Viewing Activity Logs for message flows in the web user interface.

Fix Pack V11.0.0.8 enhancements

Publishing logging data to a Logstash input in an ELK stack

Support for publishing IBM App Connect Enterprise BIP messages to a Logstash input in an Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana (ELK) stack

You can send App Connect Enterprise logging data (BIP messages) for your integration servers to a Logstash input in an Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana (ELK) stack. You can then view the data in a Kibana dashboard.

For more information, see Reporting logging data to Logstash in an ELK stack and Configuring integration servers to send logging data to Logstash in an ELK stack.

Transaction tracking

Sample user exit for transaction tracking

The AceSpanTraceExample user exit sample demonstrates how you can use a user exit to capture context information for a message flow. You can then use this information to implement a simple span trace for message flows that contain HTTP, Kafka, or IBM MQ transport nodes. This user exit sample is extended to include tracking messages that are processed by KafkaProducer, KafkaConsumer, and KafkaRead nodes.

For more information, see Transaction tracking user exit sample.

Publication of statistics to the web user interface

Message flow statistics and resource statistics are published by default to the web user interface

When an integration node or integration server is created in IBM App Connect Enterprise Version (or later), the publication of resource statistics and snapshot statistics for message flows is activated by default. The publication of archive statistics is turned off by default. The publicationOn property in the server.conf.yaml or node.conf.yaml file is explicitly set to active. The outputFormat property is set to json, which enables the publication of snapshot data to the web user interface. The reportingOn property is explicitly set to true, which enables resource statistics for the integration node or server to be published automatically to the web user interface.

For integration nodes and servers that were created before IBM App Connect Enterprise Version, the publication of all statistics was turned off by default. To enable the publication of statistics for integration nodes or servers that were created before V11.0.0.8, activate the publicationOn and reportingOn properties in the relevant .conf.yaml file.

For more information, see Managing resource statistics collection and Configuring the collection of message flow statistics by using a .yaml configuration file.

Transformation Advisor enhancements

More rules for the Transformation Advisor

More rules are implemented in the Transformation Advisor tool.

For more information, see Rules for the Transformation Advisor tool and Running the Transformation Advisor tool.

Operational Decision Manager (ODM) support

Support is provided for using Operational Decision Manager (ODM) business rules. For more information, see Using Operational Decision Manager (ODM) business rules.
Note: The Operational Decision Manager (ODM) support in this fix pack is Technology Preview Code and is subject to the terms of use specified in Notices for IBM App Connect Enterprise.
ODMRules node

You can use the ODMRules node in a message flow to implement a set of ODM business rules.

For more information, see ODMRules node.

ODM Server policy

You attach an ODM Server policy to an ODMRules or JavaCompute node to configure a connection to an Operational Decision Manager Rule Execution Server.

For more information, see ODM Server policy (ODMServer).

Using ODM business rules through a JavaCompute node

You can use a JavaCompute node to implement IBM Operational Decision Manager (ODM) business rules.

For more information, see Executing ODM business rules by using a JavaCompute node.

ODM business rules template

You can use the Process via Operational Decision Manager ruleset wizard with a JavaCompute node to create template Java™ code that implements ODM business rules.

For more information, see Creating ODM classes by using the Process via Operational Decision Manager ruleset wizard.

Command enhancements

mqsichangeflowuserexits and mqsireportflowuserexits commands

You can use the mqsichangeflowuserexits command to set the list of active or inactive user exits. Lists of active and inactive user exits are maintained for each integration node, each integration server, and each message flow. You can use the mqsireportflowuserexits command to report the list of active and inactive user exits for the specified integration node, integration server, or message flow.

For more information, see mqsichangeflowuserexits command and mqsireportflowuserexits command.

Enhanced policy support

Redeploying policy projects
The list of policy types that you can modify and then redeploy is extended to include the following policy types.
  • Security Profiles
  • ODM Server

When you redeploy the policy project, all message flows that are using the policy are stopped and restarted. For more information, see Policy properties.

IBM App Connect Enterprise in IBM z/OS Container Extensions (zCX)

Support for IBM App Connect Enterprise in IBM z/OS Container Extensions (zCX)

You can build and run IBM App Connect Enterprise Version 11.0 as a server under IBM z/OS Container Extensions (zCX).

For more information, see Configuring App Connect Enterprise to run in Docker.

Fix Pack V11.0.0.7 enhancements

Enhanced Kafka support

Enhanced support for producing and consuming Kafka messages

The IBM App Connect Enterprise Kafka nodes are extended to include a KafkaRead node, which you can use to get a Kafka message from a specified offset and Kafka partition.

You can use a Kafka policy to dynamically override properties set on the KafkaProducer, KafkaConsumer, and KafkaRead nodes.

For more information, see Using Kafka with IBM App Connect Enterprise.

Support for Kafka custom header properties

You can use Kafka custom header properties to add metadata to a Kafka message, which can then be used during message processing. For example, the header properties can carry information about the format of the data, such as a schema name.

Kakfa custom header properties are name:value pairs, which can be associated with a Kafka message when it is published and then retrieved when the message is retrieved. IBM App Connect Enterprise supports Kafka header properties that consist of a name and a value, both of which must be strings in Java String format.

For more information, see Setting and retrieving Kafka custom header properties.

Client connections to IBM MQ

Connections to a remote default queue manager

You can configure an independent integration server to connect to a default queue manager on a remote system that is running IBM MQ. By using a remote default queue manager, you can configure independent integration servers to direct all IBM MQ traffic to a remote IBM MQ server, without configuring policy settings on each message flow node. For example, to use aggregation, message collections, message sequences, or timeout flows, use a remote default queue manager to control the system queues. In this scenario, you do not need to configure policy settings on the aggregation, collector, sequence, or timeout nodes.

You can also simplify IBM MQ administration by configuring independent integration servers to share queue managers. The IBM MQ topology does not need to be adjusted to allow a local queue manager for App Connect Enterprise integration servers, and App Connect Enterprise integration servers can be provisioned independently of the IBM MQ queue managers.

For more information, see Using a remote default queue manager.

WebSphere Service Registry and Repository support

Support for WebSphere® Service Registry and Repository

You can use the WebSphere Service Registry and Repository nodes (the RegistryLookup and EndpointLookup nodes) in message flows to retrieve data dynamically from WebSphere Service Registry and Repository.

For more information, see WebSphere Service Registry and Repository.

High availability - HTTP proxy servlet

Support for high availability through the HTTP proxy servlet
You can use the HTTP proxy servlet in a servlet container to support the following functions.
  • High availability
  • Load distribution
  • Access to the integration node from multiple IP addresses and ports
  • A larger number of concurrent HTTP sessions

The HTTP proxy servlet is a Java servlet that you can use in a servlet container, such as WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile or Apache Tomcat, or in an application server such as IBM WebSphere Application Server. The HTTP proxy servlet receives HTTP requests from web services client applications and replaces the support that is provided by the integration node and embedded (integration server) HTTP listeners.

For more information, see HTTP proxy servlet overview.


Support for connections from integration nodes by using encrypted security credentials

You can configure integration nodes and integration servers to connect to secured resources by using credentials that are stored in encrypted form in an IBM App Connect Enterprise vault.

For more information, see Configuring encrypted security credentials.

Configuration of security credentials in the server.conf.yaml file

You can configure security credentials for an independent integration server by setting properties in the server.conf.yaml file.

For more information, see Configuring security credentials for an independent integration server in the server.conf.yaml file.

Security cache

You can use the mqsireloadsecurity command to force the immediate expiry of all or some of the entries in the security cache.

For more information, see mqsireloadsecurity command.

Toolkit enhancements

Create and start a local independent integration server by using the IBM App Connect Enterprise Toolkit

You can use the IBM App Connect Enterprise Toolkit to create and start a local independent integration server.

For more information, see Creating and starting a local, independent integration server by using the Toolkit.

Transformation Advisor tool

Support for preparing to migrate from IBM Integration Bus Version 10

Before you migrate to IBM App Connect Enterprise V11, you can use the Transformation Advisor tool to collect data about the resources that were deployed to your IBM Integration Bus Version 10 integration nodes.

For more information, see Running the Transformation Advisor tool.


IBM App Connect Enterprise V11 performance reports

The new performance reports for App Connect Enterprise V11 are available in the IBM Integration Community. The performance of IBM App Connect Enterprise V11 was evaluated in comparison with IBM Integration Bus V10, in traditional, nonvirtualized environments on Windows and Linux operating systems, and in an AIX 7.2 logical partition on Power8.

For more information, see App Connect Enterprise V11 Performance Reports.

Fix Pack V11.0.0.6 enhancements

LDAP authorization

Support for LDAP authorization

You can authorize roles in IBM App Connect Enterprise against a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) or Secure LDAP (LDAPS) server. You can grant and revoke administration authority for an integration node and each of its managed integration servers, or for an independent integration server, by configuring LDAP authorization for specified groups or attributes in LDAP to specified roles in App Connect Enterprise.

For more information, see Configuring authorization by using LDAP groups.

Enhanced policy support

Siebel Connection policy

A new policy is provided to control connections to Siebel applications at run time. For more information, see Siebel Connection policy (SiebelConnection).

PeopleSoft Connection policy

A new policy is provided to control connections to PeopleSoft applications at run time. For more information, see PeopleSoft Connection policy (PeopleSoftConnection).

JDEdwards Connection policy

A new policy is provided to control connections to JDEdwards applications at run time. For more information, see JDEdwards Connection policy (JDEdwardsConnection).

Redeploying policy projects
The list of policy types that you can modify and then redeploy is extended to include the following policy types.
  • JDEdwards Connection
  • PeopleSoft Connection
  • SAP Connection
  • Siebel Connection
  • User Defined

When you redeploy the policy project, all message flows that are using the policy are stopped and restarted. For more information, see Policy properties.

Encrypted security credentials

Support for connections by using encrypted security credentials

You can configure independent integration servers to connect to secured resources by using credentials that are stored in encrypted form in an IBM App Connect Enterprise vault.

For more information, see Configuring encrypted security credentials.

Enhancements to message flow nodes

Extended support for the Publication node

Support for the Publication node is extended. You can use the node to retrieve messages from a queue on a local or remote queue manager, and override properties on the node at run time by using an MQEndpoint policy.

For more information, see Publication node.

Monitoring profiles

Creating a monitoring profile (.monprofile.xml) from a message flow

You might deploy a message flow that has monitoring properties that are configured in the Message Flow editor in the IBM App Connect Enterprise Toolkit. You can then use either the mqsireportflowmonitoring command or the administration REST API to extract those monitoring properties from the deployed flow and create the equivalent monitoring profile (.monprofile.xml file) for the message flow. You can then use this profile as a starting point for creating other monitoring profiles.

For more information, see Monitoring profiles.

Dynamic updates for user-defined properties

Dynamically updating message flow user-defined properties

You can change the behavior of a message flow at run time by using the IBM App Connect Enterprise administration REST API to modify the values of user-defined properties on the message flow.

For more information, see Setting message flow user-defined properties at run time by using the administration REST API.

Fix Pack V11.0.0.5 enhancements

IBM App Connect Enterprise on IBM AIX

Support for IBM App Connect Enterprise on the IBM AIX operating system

IBM App Connect Enterprise is available on the IBM AIX operating system. For more information about supported software, see System requirements for IBM App Connect Enterprise V11.

IBM Integration API

Support for developing Java applications by using the IBM Integration API

You can develop Java applications that use the IBM Integration API to interact with integration nodes, integration servers, and their associated resources.

Your custom integration applications have access to IBM App Connect Enterprise functions and resources through the set of Java classes that constitute the IBM Integration API. In IBM App Connect Enterprise Version 11, the JAR file IntegrationAPI.jar supplies the classes, which are in the package. For ease of migration, applications that were developed before Version 11 can use the deprecated classes in the package.

For more information, see IBM Integration API and Managing resources by using the IBM Integration API.

Pushing REST APIs to IBM API Connect

Support for pushing (exporting) REST APIs to IBM API Connect

You can push the definition of deployed REST APIs into IBM API Connect, which you can then use to manage and publish your APIs. You can use either the IBM App Connect Enterprise web user interface or the mqsipushapis command to push the APIs to IBM API Connect Version 5, Version 5 on IBM Cloud, or Version 2018. For more information, see Pushing REST APIs to IBM API Connect.

Enhanced policy support

IMS Connect policy

A new policy is provided to control the details of a connection to an IMS Connect service at run time. For more information, see IMS Connect policy (IMS).

CORBA policy

A new policy is provided to control the details of a connection to a CORBA system at run time. For more information, see CORBA policy.

Redeploying policy projects
The list of policy types that you can modify and then redeploy is extended to include the following policy types.
  • Activity Log
  • IMS Connect
  • MQEndpoint

When you redeploy the policy project, all message flows that are using the policy are stopped and restarted. For more information, see Policy properties.

Command enhancements

Extended support for IBM App Connect Enterprise commands

Support for the App Connect Enterprise command-line interface is extended to include more commands, and the functions of some commands is enhanced.

For more information, see Commands.


IBM App Connect Enterprise V11 container performance reports

The new container-based performance reports for App Connect Enterprise V11 are available in the Resources section of the IBM Integration Community. The performance of IBM App Connect Enterprise V11 was evaluated in comparison with IBM Integration Bus V10, in a container-based environment on Windows and Linux operating systems.

For more information, see App Connect Enterprise V11 Container Performance Reports.

Keyword support

Support for viewing keywords in applications, libraries, and messages flows

If custom keyword information was added to your resources during development, view the values in resources that are deployed to an integration server by using the IBM App Connect Enterprise Toolkit or the IBM Integration API.

For more information, see Version and keyword information for deployable resources.

User exit sample

AceSpanTraceExample user exit sample

A new user exit sample is provided to demonstrate how to use a user exit to capture flow context information. You can then use this information to implement a simple span trace for message flows that contain HTTP or IBM MQ transport nodes.

For more information, see User exit sample.

Enhancements to the IBM App Connect Enterprise Toolkit

Local integration nodes

Local integration nodes are displayed automatically in the Integration Explorer view of the Toolkit. You can start and stop the displayed integration nodes from this view.

Fix Pack V11.0.0.4 enhancements

Global cache

Support for a global cache

You can use the global cache that is supplied with IBM App Connect Enterprise to store data that you want to reuse. You enable and configure the global cache by setting properties in the server.conf.yaml configuration files for the integration servers that share access to the cache. By default, the global cache is turned off.

For more information, see Configuring the embedded global cache.

Record and replay

Recording, viewing, and replaying messages

With IBM App Connect Enterprise, you can record messages that a message flow processes, then view or replay the data. You might use this feature to provide a record of messages for audit purposes to keep a history of messages for development and test purposes, or to help in problem determination.

For more information, see Recording, viewing, and replaying data.

Statistics and monitoring

Dynamic configuration of resource statistics

You can configure the collection of resource statistics, without restarting the integration server, by using the mqsichangeresourcestats command. You can also show the current settings for resource statistics collection, by using the mqsireportresourcestats command.

For more information, see Managing resource statistics collection.

Enhanced configuration of message flow statistics

You can dynamically configure the collection of message flow statistics by using the mqsichangeflowstats command. Use the command to configure properties such as the output format, accounting origin, thread data, and persistence.

For more information, see Configuring the collection of message flow statistics by using the mqsichangeflowstats command.

Persistence of statistics and monitoring settings

You can choose whether the statistics and monitoring settings that are specified through the mqsichangeflowstats, mqsichangeresourcestats, and mqsichangeflowmonitoring commands persist when an integration server is restarted, and when an application or message flow is redeployed. By default, these settings are persistent.

Redeploying policies

Support for redeploying policy projects
You can change and redeploy the following types of policy after they are deployed, by redeploying the policy project.
  • Aggregation
  • CDServer
  • CICSConnection
  • Collector
  • EmailServer
  • FtpServer
  • MQTTPublish
  • MQTTSubscribe
  • Resequence
  • SAPConnection
  • SMTP
  • Timer
  • WorkloadManagement
For these properties, you can delete the deployed policy project by using REST or the IBM App Connect Enterprise Toolkit.

When you redeploy the policy project, all message flows that are using the policy are stopped and restarted. For other types of policy, which cannot be redeployed, you can delete all deployed resources from the integration server and then deploy a new version of the policy. For more information, see Policy properties.

LDAP authentication

Support for LDAP authentication

Web user accounts can be authenticated against a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) or Secure LDAP (LDAPS) server.

For more information, see Enabling LDAP authentication.

Enhancements to the IBM App Connect Enterprise Toolkit

Starting and stopping user trace and service trace

From the Integration Server menu, you can start, stop, and reset user trace and service trace for an independent integration server or for an integration server that is managed by an integration node.

Starting and stopping flow monitoring, snapshot statistics, archive statistics, and resource statistics

You can use menus in the Toolkit to start and stop flow monitoring, snapshot statistics, and archive statistics at the integration server level, application level, and message flow level. You can start and stop resource statistics at the message flow level. The Properties view shows active and configured values for the integration server, application, and message flow. You can also choose to inherit values from the parent resource for flow monitoring, snapshot statistics, and archive statistics, at the application and message flow level.

Editing user-defined policies in the Policy Editor

You can edit user-defined policies, by clicking Add, Delete, and Edit in the Policy Editor.

Using the Flow Exerciser

You can use the Flow Exerciser to send messages to a deployed message flow on an integration server that is managed by an integration node with an associated queue manager. Properties for the integration server show which HTTP ports are being used by HTTP nodes and SOAP nodes. You can use recorded messages from IBM Integration Bus Version 10 to be sent to your IBM App Connect Enterprise message flows. You can also use the Flow Exerciser with message flows that are used by Integration Services and REST APIs.

Starting the debugger for a deployed message flow

You can start the flow debugger for a deployed message flow by right-clicking the integration server and selecting Launch Debugger from the menu. The menu is active only if a debug port is connected to the integration server. The Debug view is shown when a message is sent to the message flow and a breakpoint is encountered.

Creating an IBM MQ Service

You can create an IBM MQ Service for message flows that use IBM MQ nodes. The IBM MQ Service wizard creates an MQEndpoint policy, which the IBM MQ nodes that are created in the generated flows use.

Application and message flow properties

The properties view for applications and message flows shows an Active section, which includes properties such as startup time, in addition to properties for monitoring and statistics.

Exception log resource manager

Exception log resource manager
The exception log resource manager captures, in an exception log, data that relates to exceptions that occur at any time during processing on an integration server. The exception log contains data (including BIP error messages) that message flow developers and administrators can use to quickly diagnose issues.

For more information, see Enabling the exception log.

Fix Pack V11.0.0.3 enhancements

Global coordination of transactions

Support for globally coordinated transactions - XA two-phase commit

You can configure IBM App Connect Enterprise to globally coordinate message flow transactions with a transaction manager, ensuring the data integrity of transactions.

Your business might need assured data integrity and consistency (for example, for audit reasons, or for financial transactions). In this case, you can configure the integration node with a local IBM MQ queue manager to manage the message flow transactions as globally coordinated (a two-phase commit approach), by using the XA protocol standard.

For more information, see Configuring global coordination of transactions (two-phase commit).

High availability - multi-instance integration nodes

Support for high availability through multi-instance integration nodes

If you want to run your IBM App Connect Enterprise instances in a highly available configuration, you can set up multi-instance integration nodes with IBM MQ.

For more information, see Configuring multi-instance integration nodes.

Dynamic accounting and statistics data

Support for dynamic accounting and statistics data

You can start and stop the collection of message flow statistics and accounting data, without restarting the integration server, by using the mqsichangeflowstats command. You can also show the current settings for message flow statistics collection, by using the mqsireportflowstats command.

For more information, see Configuring the collection of message flow statistics by using the mqsichangeflowstats command.

Dynamic message flow monitoring

Support for dynamic monitoring

You can start and stop message flow monitoring, without restarting the integration server, by using the mqsichangeflowmonitoring command. You can also show the current settings for message flow monitoring, by using the mqsireportflowmonitoring command.

For more information, see Activating monitoring.

User-defined nodes

Support for user-defined nodes

You can use user-defined nodes to extend the functions of IBM App Connect Enterprise. For example, you can call an external system for which App Connect Enterprise does not provide message flow nodes, or you can call existing program libraries that complete a transformation or calculation that is necessary in the design of a message flow.

For more information, see User-defined nodes.

Fix Pack V11.0.0.2 enhancements

The following section describes the new features in Fix Pack V11.0.0.2.

Administration security

Support for queue-based authorization

When you enable administration security and specify the queue-based (IBM MQ) authorization mode, you can set permissions for users to act on the integration node and its resources.

For more information, see Authorization queues for queue-based administration security and Setting queue-based permissions.

Support for administration security on independent integration servers

You can configure administration security to control the rights of users to complete administrative tasks for independent integration servers (which are not managed by an integration node). You can enable administration security for the integration server, either by setting properties in the server.conf.yaml configuration file, or by using the mqsichangeauthmode command.

You can configure the integration server to authorize users to complete specific actions, by setting permissions for specified user roles. You can specify these permissions either on the mqsichangefileauth command or by setting properties in the server.conf.yaml configuration file for the integration-premises server.

For more information, see Enabling administration security and Authorizing users for administration.

Accounting and statistics

Support for archive statistics

You can configure the collection of snapshot statistics, archive statistics, or both, by setting properties in the server.conf.yaml or node.conf.yaml configuration files.

For more information, see Configuring the collection of message flow accounting and statistics data and Output formats for message flow accounting and statistics data.

Fix Pack V11.0.0.1 enhancements

Migration support

Support for migration to IBM App Connect Enterprise Version 11.0

You can migrate an integration node or integration server from IBM Integration Bus Version 10.0 or IBM Integration Bus Version 9.0 to IBM App Connect Enterprise Version 11.0.

Previous versions of IBM Integration Bus provided the mqsimigratecomponents command, which is replaced in IBM App Connect Enterprise Version 11.0 by a new mqsiextractcomponents command.

For more information, see Migrating.

Configuration of integration nodes, integration servers, and resources

Flexible administrative control over integration nodes, integration servers, and resources

IBM App Connect Enterprise provides an integration server component and an integration node component. You can configure an integration node as the central point of administrative control over a set of owned integration servers (typically in an on environment). Alternatively, you can configure integration servers that are run independently from any integration node (typically in a container environment). With this flexibility, you can develop a solution that is best suited to the environment in which you intend to run your App Connect Enterprise applications. You can use integration nodes to manage and control your integration server processes, and to provide administration security for your resources. Alternatively, you can develop and deploy your applications to an independent integration server without the need to create and configure an integration node.

For more information, see Integration, Configuring integration nodes, and Configuring integration servers.

Simplified configuration of integration nodes and integration servers by using .yaml files

You can configure integration nodes and integration servers by modifying properties in node.conf.yaml and server.conf.yaml configuration files, and saving the files directly onto the file system.

For more information about configuring integration nodes or integration servers, see Configuring integration nodes and Configuring integration servers.

Policy enhancements

Enhancements to policies that replace configurable services

IBM App Connect Enterprise policies replace the configurable services that were provided in IBM Integration Bus Version 10.0. You can deploy policies to IBM App Connect Enterprise as part of a BAR file. Alternatively, you can place them directly onto the file system in a particular runtime environment, instead of deploying them in a BAR file.

Administrators can also control policies by using overrides to take precedence over deployed policies. The Policy editor in the Toolkit is also enhanced so that you can create and configure more user-defined policies.

For more information, see Policies overview.

Administration security

Support for administration security on an integration node

You can configure administration security to control the rights of users to complete administrative tasks for IBM App Connect Enterprise integration nodes and resources. You can enable administration security for the integration node, either by setting properties in the node.conf.yaml configuration file, or by using the mqsichangeauthmode command.

You can use the mqsichangefileauth command to authorize users to complete specific actions, by setting permissions for specified user roles.

For more information, see Enabling administration security and Authorizing users for administration.

Administration REST API Version 2

Support for IBM App Connect Enterprise REST API Version 2

App Connect Enterprise supports the Representational State Transfer Application Programming Interface (REST API), which you can use to administer integration nodes, integration servers, and other resources. The REST API classes and methods are described in the REST API V2 specification.

For more information, see Managing resources by using the administration REST API.

Command enhancements

Extended support for IBM App Connect Enterprise MQSI commands

Support for the App Connect Enterprise command-line interface is extended to include more commands, and the functions of some commands are enhanced.

For more information, see Commands.