Docker support on Linux systems

IBM® App Connect Enterprise supports the use of Docker for hosting production servers, and for development and test environments. You can configure IBM App Connect Enterprise to run in a Docker container on AIX®, Linux®, and Windows systems, and in IBM z/OS® Container Extensions (zCX).

About this task

For the latest information about version numbers and supported environments, see the system requirements information on the IBM Support web pages.

When you are running IBM App Connect Enterprise in a Docker container, you can build your own Docker images or you can use the samples that are provided. Note the following requirements:
  • You must use Docker v1.7 or higher.
  • The Docker guest must be an IBM App Connect Enterprise supported operating system.
  • The host on which the Docker container is running must use a Linux kernel at level 3.10 or later.
  • IBM App Connect Enterprise has no specific requirements for kernel configuration parameters, but other supporting products such as IBM MQ might have additional requirements.
  • As advised in the Docker documentation, if you want data that is related to IBM App Connect Enterprise to be persisted independently of the container lifecycle, you must ensure that it is stored on a Docker volume. For more information, see
  • To receive IBM support, you must have the following:
    • A means of capturing syslog messages.
    • A means of running commands against the running node; for example, by using docker exec bash -c mqsilist with the mqsiprofile set on login, or through ssh.
    • Access to the workpath directories, for diagnostic purposes.

For more information about Linux support, see IBM App Connect Enterprise system requirements for Linux systems: