aceDataCollector command

Use the aceDataCollector command to capture your current IBM® App Connect Enterprise configuration.

Supported platforms

  • Windows
  • Linux®
  • AIX®


You can use the aceDataCollector command to collect information about your IBM App Connect Enterprise configuration, and basic diagnostic documents that pertain to your integration nodes and your integration servers.

Usage notes

  • You must install IBM App Connect Enterprise version or later to be able to run this command.
  • If you install IBM App Connect Enterprise, then before you run the command on Windows, you must change the date format on the computer to avoid forward slashes. If you install IBM App Connect Enterprise, or later, this step is not required. You can check the date format by running the date command:
    The current date is: 24/03/2020
    Enter the new date: (dd-mm-yy)

    If the displayed date contains forward slashes, you can change the Windows regional settings under the Clock and Region tab in the Windows Control Panel to English [India]. When you run the date command again, the forward slashes in the output are replaced by dashes:

    The current date is: 24-03-2020
    Enter the new date: (dd-mm-yy)

    If you changed the regional settings before you ran the aceDataCollector command, you can change the regional settings back to the original setting after you run the command.

  • Before you can run the command from the console, you must be in a directory where your service ID has write access. The command creates output in the current working directory.

  • You must use the .bat extension if you run the command on Windows.
  • You must use the .sh extension if you run the command on Linux or AIX.
  • Run the command with your service ID in one of the following ways:
    • Against an integration node. To include information that is specific to that integration node.
    • Against an integration server that is supported by an integration node. To include information that is specific to that integration server.
    • Against an independent integration server. To include information that is specific to that independent integration server.
    • With the -h parameter. To display help information on the console about the command.
    • With no parameters. To collect general information about the IBM App Connect Enterprise environment.


Syntax for use with an integration node

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramaceDatacollector -b integrationNodeName

Syntax for use with an integration server under an integration node

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramaceDataCollector -b  integrationNodeName -e  integrationServerName

Syntax for use with an independent integration server

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramaceDataCollector -w  workDir

Syntax for obtaining help information from the command

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramaceDatacollector -h

Syntax for use with no parameters

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramaceDatacollector


-b integrationNodeName
The integration node for which you want to collect data.
-e integrationServerName
The managed integration server for which you want to collect data.
-w workDir
The work directory for the independent integration server for which you want to collect data.
To display help information on the console about the command.

You can run the command with no parameters if you want to collect general information about the IBM App Connect Enterprise environment.


Windows platformWindows.

When the command is run on Windows against an integration node, an integration server, or with no parameters, the output folder contains the file reportDate.txt, and the following sub folders:
    • abends
    • backup
    • general
    • logs
    • properties
    • workdir

Run the command against an integration node to include information that is specific to that integration node:

aceDataCollector.bat -b ACENODE
If this command is successful, you see the following responses.
    * App Connect Enterprise (ACE) Data Collector *
    Data collection started
     - Creating temporary file structure ACE_Data_Collector_164008
     - Capturing environment and version data
     - Capturing data for Integration Node ACENODE
    BIP1252I: Creating backup file 'ACE_Data_Collector_164008\backup\' for integration node 'ACENODE'.
    BIP8071I: Successful command completion.
    Data collection completed
    Output Folder:
      C:\Program Files\IBM\ACE\\ACE_Data_Collector_164008_ACENODE

Run the command against an integration server that is supported by an integration node to include information that is specific to that integration server:

aceDataCollector.bat -b ACENODE -e default
If this command is successful, you see the following responses.
    * App Connect Enterprise (ACE) Data Collector *
    Data collection started
     - Creating temporary file structure ACE_Data_Collector_164608
     - Capturing environment and version data
     - Capturing data for Integration Node ACENODE
    BIP1252I: Creating backup file 'ACE_Data_Collector_164608\backup\' for integration node 'ACENODE'.
    BIP8071I: Successful command completion.
     - Capturing data for Integration Server default
    Data collection completed
    Output Folder:
      C:\Program Files\IBM\ACE\\ACE_Data_Collector_164608_ACENODE

Run the command against an independent integration server to include information that is specific to that independent integration server:

aceDataCollector.bat -w C:\temp\myWorkDir
If this command is successful, you see the following responses.
    * App Connect Enterprise (ACE) Data Collector *
    Data collection started
     - Creating temporary file structure ACE_Data_Collector_170730
     - Capturing environment and version data
     - Capturing data for the Stand-alone Integration Server (SIS) in C:\temp\myWorkDir
    Data collection completed
    Output Folder:
      C:\Program Files\IBM\ACE\\ACE_Data_Collector_170730_SIS

Run the command with the -h parameter to display help information on the console about the command.

aceDataCollector.bat -h
If this command is successful, you see the following responses.
    * App Connect Enterprise (ACE) Data Collector *
     'aceDataCollector.bat' "[-b INT_NODE [-e INT_SERVER]] | [-w workDir]"
        'aceDataCollector.bat' -b ACENODE -e default
           Capture diagnostic docs of Integration Server 'default' associated with Integration Node 'ACENODE'.
       'aceDataCollector.bat' -b ACENODE
            Capture diagnostic docs associated with Integration Node 'ACENODE'.
       'aceDataCollector.bat' -w workDir
             Capture diagnostic docs associated with Standalone integration server having work directory 'workDir'
        'aceDataCollector.bat' -h

Run the command with no parameters to collect general information about the IBM App Connect Enterprise environment.

If this command is successful, you see the following responses.
    * App Connect Enterprise (ACE) Data Collector *
    Data collection started
     - Creating temporary file structure ACE_Data_Collector_162933
     - Capturing environment and version data
    Data collection completed
    Output Folder:
      C:\Program Files\IBM\ACE\\ACE_Data_Collector_162933_general
Linux or AIX
When the command is run on Linux or AIX against an integration node, an integration server, or with no parameters, a compressed archive file is created in the current working directory. You can extract the file to view the content of the following sub folders:
    • abends
    • backup
    • general
    • logs
    • properties
    • workdir
Run the command against an integration node to include information that is specific to that integration node: -b ACENODE
If this command is successful, you see the following responses.

* App Connect Enterprise (ACE) Data Collector *

Data collection started
 - Creating temporary file structure ACE_Data_Collector_20210107-053307
 - Capturing environment and version data
 - Capturing data for Integration Node ACENODE
 - Archiving collected data
 - Compressing archived data
 - Removing temporary file structure ACE_Data_Collector_20210107-053307
Data collection completed

Output file:

Run the command against an integration server that is supported by an integration node to include information that is specific to that integration server: -b ACENODE -e default
If this command is successful, you see the following responses.
    * App Connect Enterprise (ACE) Data Collector *
    Data collection started
     - Creating temporary file structure ACE_Data_Collector_20210107-054011
     - Capturing environment and version data
     - Capturing data for Integration Node ACENODE
     - Capturing data for Integration Server default
     - Archiving collected data
     - Compressing archived data
     - Removing temporary file structure ACE_Data_Collector_20210107-054011
    Data collection completed
    Output file:

Run the command against an independent integration server to include information that is specific to that independent integration server: -w workDir
If this command is successful, you see the following responses.

* App Connect Enterprise (ACE) Data Collector *

Data collection started
 - Creating temporary file structure ACE_Data_Collector_20210107-054951
 - Capturing environment and version data
 - Capturing data for the Stand-alone Integration Server (SIS) in workDir
 - Archiving collected data
tar: ./workdir/config/IntegrationServer.uds: socket ignored
 - Compressing archived data
 - Removing temporary file structure ACE_Data_Collector_20210107-054951
Data collection completed

Output file:

Run the command with the -h parameter to display help information on the console about the command. -h
If this command is successful, you see the following responses.
    * App Connect Enterprise (ACE) Data Collector *
    Usage: [-b INT_NODE [-e INT_SERVER]] | [-w workDir]
    Examples: -b ACENODE -e default
           Capture diagnostic docs of Integration Server 'default' associated with Integration Node 'ACENODE'.
    -b ACENODE
             Capture diagnostic docs associated with Integration Node 'ACENODE'.
    -w workDir
             Capture diagnostic docs associated with Standalone integration server having work directory 'workDir'
  • Run the command with no parameters to collect general information about the IBM App Connect Enterprise environment:
    If this command is successful, you see the following responses.
    * App Connect Enterprise (ACE) Data Collector *
    Data collection started
     - Creating temporary file structure ACE_Data_Collector_20210107-071654
     - Capturing environment and version data
     - Archiving collected data
     - Compressing archived data
     - Removing temporary file structure ACE_Data_Collector_20210107-071654
    Data collection completed
    Output file: