mqsireloadsecurity command - Windows, Linux, and AIX systems

Use the mqsireloadsecurity command on Windows, Linux®, and AIX® systems to force the immediate expiry of some or all of the entries in the security cache.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagrammqsireloadsecurityintegrationNodeName-n integrationNodeFileName -i ipAddress -p port -e integrationServerName--all-integration-servers -k applicationName --all-applications -y libraryName -f flow


This parameter identifies the name of a specific integration node. To connect to a remote integration node by name, you must also specify -i | --admin-host and (optionally) -p | --admin-port.
-i | --admin-host host
(Optional) This parameter specifies a host. Specify this parameter together with integrationNodeName and -p | --admin-port. You cannot specify this parameter along with -n | --integration-node-file
-p | --admin-port port
(Optional) This parameter specifies the port on which the web user interface HTTP connection listener is listening. It must be used along with -i and it can be used along with integrationNodeName. It cannot be used along with -n | --integration-node-file.
-n | --integration-node-file integrationNodeFileName
(Optional) This parameter is used as an alternative to providing connection parameters in the command. It cannot be used along with -i | --admin-host, -p | --admin-port , or integrationNodeName.
-e | --integration-server server
(Optional) This parameter specifies an integration server within an integration node. It must be specified along with integrationNodeName or -n | --integration-node-file. It cannot be used with all-integration-servers.
-k | --application applicationName
(Optional) This parameter lists the deployed objects that are configured for an application. You cannot use this parameter along with --all-applications or --all-integration-servers.
-y | --library libraryName
(Optional) This parameter lists the deployed objects that are configured for a library. You cannot reload the security cache of all flows on a library so this parameter must be used with -f or -k.
-f | --flow messageFlow
(Optional) This parameter specifies the name of the message flow. It cannot be used along with --all-application-servers or --all-integration-servers.
(Optional) This parameter specifies all the integration servers that are associated with an integration node. If you use this parameter, it must be used accompanied by integrationNodeName or -n | --integration-node-file. It cannot be used along with -f | --flow, -y | --library , or -k | --application.
(Optional) This parameter specifies all the applications that are deployed to an integration server. It cannot be used along with -f | --flow, -y | --library , or -k | --application.


Reload the cache for all applications that are deployed to a specific integration server :
mqsireloadsecurity INODE1 -e server --all-applications