Sample filters for customizing Analytics data

Review sample filters to see how to code your own filters for refining Analytics data by adding fields, removing fields, or modifying field contents.

Follow the examples to create filters and add them to the appropriate configuration files as explained in Customizing Analytics data with filters. The sample filters use Ruby code to customize data. For information on using Ruby with Logstash filters plugins, see Ruby filter plugin in the Logstash documentation.

Typically you will edit the 69_apic_filter.conf file. If analytics message queue is enabled, that filter only applies to data that is stored in API Connect. If you enable message queue and you want to filter data for offloading, you must also modify the 69_offload_filter.conf file.

Remember: You should only use the 19_filter.conf, 39_filter.conf, and 49_filter.conf files with guidance from API Connect Support.

Adding a new field

You can add custom data to API event data by adding a field to the logging document. For example, if you want to search or visualize data that is stored in request and response headers, you can add fields to a filter to include that information in the top level of your analytics' data.

To avoid naming conflicts with future or current analytics fields, include a prefix that ensures your new field name is unique. For example, instead of naming the field employee_num you might name it x_mycompany_employee_num.

The following example copies the contents of the X-Employee-Num field from the request header and adds it to the x_mycompany_employee_num field in the event data. Adding the field to the event data enables you to use the information in visualizations.

# Here you should specify any filters that you want to take affect after
# the second stage of APIC Analytics filter processing.
# At this point the data has been modified by APIC Analytics, and is in the
# expected documented format. This is where you should feel free to modify
# the data prior to it being stored in APIC Analytics Storage.
# In message queue deployments, this will only affect data that will
# ultimately be stored in APIC Analytics Storage, and will not affect data
# that will be offloaded.
filter {
  if "apicapievent" in [tags] {
    if [request_http_headers] {
      ruby {
        code => "event.get('[request_http_headers]').collect {|i| event.set('[x_mycompany_employee_Num]', i['X-Employee-Num']) if i.has_key?('X-Employee-Num')}"

Modifying an existing field

Sometimes you don't want to remove a field entirely from your data, you just want to redact sensitive information such as IDs to prevent them from being exposed in visualizations. You can modify the contents of a field and replace information with a symbols or a message.

Note: The following fields should not be modified if the data is being written to internal analytics storage: org_id, catalog_id, space_id, developer_org_id, datetime, and @timestamp.

The following example replaces sensitive information in the "Employee-Name" and "Employee-ID" header fields with the string "********sanitized********".

# Here you should specify any filters that you want to take effect after
# the second stage of APIC Analytics filter processing.
# At this point the data has been modified by APIC Analytics, and is in the
# expected documented format. This is where you should feel free to modify
# the data prior to it being stored in APIC Analytics Storage.
# In message queue deployments, this will only affect data that will
# ultimately be stored in APIC Analytics Storage, and will not affect data
# that will be offloaded.
filter {
  if "apicapievent" in [tags] {
    if [request_http_headers] {
      ruby {
        code => "headers=['X-Employee-Name','X-Employee-ID']; newHeaders = event.get('[request_http_headers]').collect {|i| headers.each {|header| i[header] = '********sanitized********' if i.has_key?(header)}; i}; event.set('[request_http_headers]', newHeaders)"

Removing an existing field

Use the mutate remove_field operation to delete a field from the Analytics data. To remove multiple fields, delimit the field names with commas.

The following example removes the following fields from the Analytics data: request_http_headers, response_http_headers, request_body, response_body, and query_string.

# Here you should specify any filters that you want to take effect after
# the second stage of APIC Analytics filter processing.
# At this point the data has been modified by APIC Analytics, and is in the
# expected documented format. This is where you should feel free to modify
# the data prior to it being stored in APIC Analytics Storage.
# In message queue deployments, this will only affect data that will
# ultimately be stored in APIC Analytics Storage, and will not affect data
# that will be offloaded.
filter {
  if "apicapievent" in [tags] {
     mutate {
            remove_field => ["request_http_headers", "response_http_headers", "request_body", "response_body", "query_string"]

Filter and output plugin for splunk

When you create a filter for use with splunk, you must also create an output plugin for it.

# Here you should specify any filters that you want to take effect after
# the second stage of APIC Analytics filter processing.
# At this point the data has been modified by APIC Analytics, and is in the
# expected documented format. This is where you should feel free to modify
# the data prior to it being stored in APIC Analytics Storage.
# In message queue deployments, this will only affect data that will
# ultimately be stored in APIC Analytics Storage, and will not affect data
# that will be offloaded.
filter {
  if "apicapievent" in [tags] {
    ruby {
      code => "event.set('[@metadata][newevent]', event.to_json)"
Output plugin:
apicapievent" in [tags] {
    http {
    url => "http://your-domain/services/collector/event"
      http_method => "post"
      codec => "json"
      content_type => "application/json"
      id => "offload_http"
      format => "message"
      message => '{"event": "%{[@metadata][newevent]}","index": "applications-int-ms","sourcetype": "json:apimlogs"}'
      headers => ["Authorization", "Splunk XXXX]