Upgrading API Connect

Upgrade API Connect on VMware to a newer version.

Warning: The EDB license in V10.0.7 expires on 1 October 2024. Either upgrade API Connect to V10.0.8 before then, or upgrade the EDB license on your V10.0.7 deployment by following the steps that are described here: https://www.ibm.com/support/pages/node/7169689

Upgrading your API Connect deployment consists of three phases:

  1. Upgrade planning. Decide on your upgrade path based on your current version.

    Review any feature changes in the new API Connect version that might impact how you use API Connect and plan for such changes.

    Upgrade planning should be started as early as possible to identify any issues that might influence when you are able to upgrade, and any actions to take before upgrade.

  2. Upgrade preparation. Run pre-upgrade checks on your current deployment, download the new version of API Connect from Fix Central, backup your current deployment.

    Upgrade preparation can be done at any time, and it is worth doing early to identify and fix any potential problems before your upgrade window. If you do complete the upgrade preparation early, repeat the pre-upgrade checks just before your upgrade window to check for any new problems.

  3. Upgrade process. Updating your API Connect subsystems to the new version.

    The upgrade process should be started only when all upgrade planning and preparation are completed. Interrupting and rolling back API Connect upgrades is not possible. Disaster recovery procedures must be followed to restore API Connect to the old version if problems are encountered during upgrade.

Use the procedures in this section to upgrade API Connect on VMware.

Important: API Connect v10.0.7.0 supports only backups to an S3 object-store for the management database. If your v10.0.6 deployment uses SFTP or local backups, then you must reconfigure your management backup settings to use an S3 object-store.

Upgrade to v10.0.7.0 is blocked if management database backups are not configured to use an S3 object-store.

If you do not require management database backups, you can enable an opt-out parameter to override the upgrade block. Support for SFTP and local backups will be provided in a future v10.0.x release.