Registering an application

Before you can use an API, you must register your application to the Developer Portal.

About this task

When you register an application, you are provided with a client ID and client secret for the application. You must supply the client ID when you call an API that requires you to identify your application by using a client ID, or a client ID and client secret.

You can, optionally, add further client ID/client secret pairs to an application, any of which can be used to identify the application when calling an API.


To register an application, complete the following steps:

  1. Click Apps.
    The Apps page opens.
  2. Click Create new app.
  3. Optional: Specify a URL in the Application OAuth Redirect URL(s) field.
    You can specify multiple OAuth redirect URLs by clicking Add another item. If only one redirect URL is specified, and the application does not provide the redirect_uri in the OAuth request, then API Connect automatically uses the one redirect URL specified. However, if more than one redirect URL is specified, then the application must provide the redirect_uri in the OAuth request, or the OAuth request is rejected.
  4. Click Submit.
    Your application is displayed.
  5. The client secret is hidden; click the Show check boxes, make a note of your client secret because it is displayed only once.
    You must supply the client secret when you call an API that requires you to identify your application by using a client ID and client secret.
    Note: The client secret cannot be retrieved. If you forget it, you must reset it.
  6. Optional: In the Certificate field, paste the public X509 certificate for your application, in PEM format.

    The Certificate field is available only if the APIs that have been published to the Developer Portal include at least one API that has been secured with TLS mutual authentication. You must complete this field if you want to call an API that has been secured with TLS mutual authentication. For more information, see Composing a REST API definition.

    These certificates are sent to the management server and to the gateway, and are used for certificate verification when the application calls an API that has been secured with TLS mutual authentication.

    Important: When you paste the certificate, ensure that it contains no line breaks, and that the (-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----) prefix and (-----END CERTIFICATE----) suffix are removed.
  7. Optional: The client ID is hidden, to display the client ID for your application, click Subscriptions, then select the Show check box for Client ID.
    The client ID is displayed and can be hidden again by clearing the check box.
  8. Optional: To verify your client secret, click Subscriptions, then click Verify, enter your client secret in the Secret field, then click Submit.
    You have confirmed whether your client secret is correct or incorrect.
  9. To add an additional client ID and client secret to the application, complete the following steps:
    1. Click Subscriptions.
    2. Click Add alongside Credentials.
      The Add new application credentials window opens.
    3. Enter a name and an optional summary, and click Submit.
    4. Select the Show Client ID or Show Client Secret check box to display the client ID or client secret for the new credentials.
    5. To add a description to a set of client credentials, or to change the current description, click Update alongside the required credentials.
    6. To remove a set of client credentials from the application, click Delete alongside the required credentials.
    If you add additional credentials to an application, any of the associated client ID/client secret pairs can be used to identify the application when calling an API.
    Note: If you add two or more sets of client credentials to an application, OAuth tokens are not shared between them; each client credential set uses a different OAuth token.
  10. To add an image, click Upload image from the application overflow menu.
    A new window opens; click Browse, select an image from your directory, and click Submit.
  11. Optional: To change the URL that authenticated OAuth flows for this application should be redirected to, click Edit from the application overflow menu, then enter a URL in the Application OAuth Redirect URL(s) field.
  12. Optional: To change the application name or description, click the Edit from the application overflow menu.


Your application is registered.

What to do next

Select a Plan to use with your application, see Exploring APIs and Products in the Developer Portal.