API Connect configuration settings

Specify configuration settings for API Connect in the CR, or the Platform UI in Cloud Pak for Integration.

You can use the Platform UI on Cloud Pak for Integration, the OpenShift web console, or direct editing of the top-level or subsystem CR YAML files to specify advanced configuration options for API Connect. The following topics describe the available configuration options.

Attention: A mistake in a configuration update can result in an admission webhook error when APIConnectCluster is updated, or the APIConnectCluster can get stuck in a pending state with a webhook error message.
  • Example of an admission webhook error when the APIConnectCluster update is rejected:

    In this example, the user attempted to change the deployment profile to n12xc4.m12-incorrect and the result looked like the following example:

    oc edit apiconnectcluster
    error: apiconnectclusters.apiconnect.ibm.com "production" could not be patched: admission webhook 
    "vapiconnectcluster.kb.io" denied the request: APIConnectCluster.apiconnect.ibm.com "production" is invalid: spec.Profile: 
    Invalid value: "n12xc4.m12-incorrect": invalid profile. Options are: [n3xc4.m16 n12xc4.m12]
  • Example of when the APIConnectCluster update is allowed, but is the state changes pending due to an underlying webhook error:
    oc get apiconnectcluster -n apic
    m1     admission webhook "vmanagementcluster.kb.io" denied the request: ManagementCluster.management.apiconnect.ibm.com "m1-mgmt" is invalid: [spec.databaseBackup.restartDB.accept: Invalid value: false: databaseBackup protocol has changed (from '' to 'objstore') and requires database restart. accept restartDB to restart database, spec.databaseBackup.restartDB.accept: Invalid value: false: databaseBackup configuration has changed and requires database restart. accept restartDB to restart database]   Pending    2d6h
Basic configuration
Advanced configuration

To enable access to the advanced configuration settings with Platform UI, toggle the Advanced Options slider.

Additional configuration
You must edit the yaml file to set additional properties.