Configuring API governance in the API Manager

How to add custom API governance rulesets to your API development process, to validate and enforce organizational governance policies and best practices in your provider organization.

Before you begin

Before you can create API governance rulesets, the API governance optional add-on must be enabled on your management subsystem by your system administrator. See Enabling API governance on Kubernetes, and Enabling API governance on VMware for more information. If API governance is enabled in your deployment, the API governance resource is displayed on the Resources page in the API Manager.

One of the following roles is required to be able to configure API governance:
  • Organization Administrator
  • Owner
  • Custom role with the Settings: Manage permission.

About this task

API governance is an optional add-on to IBM® API Connect that can be used to validate and enforce organizational governance policies and best practices in your API development process. You configure API governance by creating one or more custom rulesets that contain a collection of rules that can then be used to check Swagger, OpenAPI, and AsyncAPI documents.

API governance contains the following types of rulesets:
  • Provider organization rulesets - these are custom rulesets that contain the rules that are created in, and are specific to, your provider organization.
  • Global rulesets - these are pre-configured IBM and Spectral rulesets that contain the rules that are shared with your provider organization, and cannot be edited. Note that the Spectral ruleset names are prefixed by spectral-, and that their version matches the version of that ruleset that's available in Spectral.

API governance in IBM API Connect is based on the open-source Spectral linter; for more information about Spectral, see

  • API governance in IBM API Connect only supports the creation of custom rulesets that contain rules that use the built-in Spectral core functions, as defined in The use of custom functions, for example rules that use functions that you have created yourself in JavaScript files, is not supported.
  • Some of the Spectral rules within the Global rulesets contain the property recommended: false, which means that those rules are ignored during validation. However, if you create a new ruleset from one of these rulesets by using the Save as new ruleset option, the recommended property isn't transferred to the new ruleset. Therefore all of the rules will be used in the validation, unless you delete those rules from the ruleset. The Spectral ruleset names are prefixed by spectral-.
  • You can also configure API governance rulesets in the Cloud Manager. For more information, see Configuring API governance in the Cloud Manager.
The following methods can be used to configure API governance rulesets:


  • To create a new ruleset by using the API Manager or API Designer UI, complete the following steps.
    1. In the API Manager, click Resources Resources.
    2. In the Resources navigation menu, select API governance.
    3. In the Provider organization rulesets section, click Add > Create from scratch.
      The Create provider organization ruleset wizard opens.
    4. Provide the following Ruleset info details.
      Property label Required Description Data type
      Title Yes A short descriptive name for the ruleset. This name is displayed in the list of global rulesets. String
      Name Yes An auto-generated, sluggified, string that is based on the title. It is not editable. String
      Version Yes The version number defaults to 1.0.0, but can be edited. You can have rulesets with the same name, but with different version numbers. The version number must be in the format major.minor.patch. String
      Description No An optional description of the ruleset. String
    5. Click Next, and then add an initial rule to your ruleset.
    6. Provide the following Rule info details.
      Property label Required Description Data type
      Title Yes A short descriptive name for the rule. String
      Name Yes A short machine name for the rule. Can contain only alpha-numeric characters, underscores (_), and hyphens (-). String
      Description Yes A description of the rule. String
      Message No Provide a message to help users understand what the goal of the rule is. If no message is provided, the value of the Description property is used for the message output of the validation scan. String
      Severity Yes Select a severity level from the following options:
      • error
      • warn
      • info
      • hint
      • off
      error is selected by default.
    7. In the Given section, specify one or more values for the parts of the API document to target. To add more values, click Add. Values must be written in JSONPath.
    8. In the Then section, specify the function type and options that will be used to evaluate the target values in the API document. Write this section in YAML syntax.
      In the following example, for a Given value of $ (which means root level of the document), the Then section uses the Spectral core truthy function to check that the property value is not false, "", 0, null, or undefined.
      - field:
        function: truthy
      The Then section can also contain a list of functions to be applied to the Given part of the document. In the following example, for a Given value of $.info.version (which refers to the version property inside the info property at the root level of the document), the Then section uses both the truthy function, and the Spectral core pattern function that checks that the info.value matches the regex expression that is given by functionOptions.match.
      - function: truthy
      - function: pattern
          match: "^[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+(-[a-z0-9+.-]+)?"
      For a complete list of the Spectral core functions that you can use in your custom rules, along with examples of these functions, see
    9. Click Create to create your draft ruleset.
      Your draft ruleset opens in design form view. Note that you can switch to the OpenAPI YAML source view by clicking the Source icon OpenAPI Source icon. To return to the design form view, click the Form icon Form icon.
    10. You now have the following options:
      • You can continue to edit your ruleset. For example, you can add more rules by clicking the Create rule icon Small circle containing a plus sign for adding rules. alongside Rules in the navigation pane. Remember to click Save when you finish editing.
      • If you don't want to edit your ruleset further now, click API governance in the breadcrumb trail to return to the API governance overview page.
  • To import an existing ruleset, complete the following steps. Remember that the rules in your imported ruleset can contain only built-in Spectral core functions, as defined in
    1. In the API Manager, click Resources Resources.
    2. In the Resources navigation menu, select API governance.
    3. In the Provider organization rulesets section, click Add > Import.
      The Import ruleset wizard opens.
    4. Drag a file into the Upload file box, or click in the Upload file box to select a file to upload. The maximum file size is 100 kb, and the supported file types are YAML, YML, and JSON.
    5. Click Next.
    6. Edit the Ruleset info details as required, and click Import.
      Your draft ruleset opens in design form view. Note that you can switch to the OpenAPI YAML source view by clicking the Source icon OpenAPI Source icon. To return to the design form view, click the Form icon Form icon.
    7. You now have the following options:
      • You can continue to edit your ruleset. For example, you can add more rules by clicking the Create rule icon Small circle containing a plus sign for adding rules. alongside Rules in the navigation pane. Remember to click Save when you finish editing.
      • If you don't want to edit your ruleset further now, click API governance in the breadcrumb trail to return to the API governance overview page.
  • To create a ruleset by using the toolkit CLI, complete the following steps.
    1. Create a JSON file containing the new ruleset.

      The following example shows the contents of a Spectral Ruleset file for API Manager:

        "name": "custom-ruleset",
        "title": "custom-ruleset",
        "description": "Info validation",
        "ruleset_type": "custom",
        "ruleset_version": "1.0.0",
        "rules": [
            "name": "contact",
            "severity": "error",
            "formats": [
            "given": [
            "description": "The info object must contain either a contact email or contact url",
            "then": [{
              "field": "",
              "function": "truthy"
            "name": "description",
            "severity": "error",
            "formats": [
            "given": [
            "description": "The info object must contain a description",
            "then": [{
              "field": "info.description",
              "function": "truthy"
    2. Log in to the toolkit as an the owner or an admin of the provider organization that owns the new ruleset.
      For example:
      apic login --server mgmt_endpoint_url --username user_id --password password --realm provider/identity_provider
      You can determine which identity provider to use in the --realm parameter by entering the following command to see a list of all available identity providers (you do not need to be logged in to use this command):
      apic identity-providers:list --scope provider --server mgmt_endpoint_url --fields title,realm
      For example,
      apic identity-providers:list --scope provider --server --fields title,realm 
      total_results: 2
        - title: API Manager User Registry
          realm: provider/default-idp-2
        - title: Corporate LDAP user registry
          realm: provider/corporate-ldap
      The title value should enable you to determine which identity provider to use; you can then copy the corresponding --realm parameter directly from the displayed realm value. For any identity providers that were created by your administrator after API Connect was installed, the names will have been determined at creation time. The default API Manager Local User Registry for login as a member of a provider organization is default-idp-2.

      For full details of the apic login command, see Logging in to a management server.

    3. Run the rulesets:create toolkit command in governance mode:
      apic -m governance rulesets:create --org <target_org> --server <server_url> RULESET_FILE
      • <target_org> is the name of the organization that owns the new ruleset.
      • <server_url> is the management server URL that you use for logging in to the toolkit.
      • RULESET_FILE is the path and filename of the JSON file that contains the ruleset.


Your draft ruleset is now listed in the table of Provider organization rulesets.

What to do next

You can validate the ruleset against an API by clicking Validate, selecting the rules that you want to validate, and one or more APIs, then clicking Validate. The results of the validation are displayed in a scorecard.

When you finish editing your ruleset, you can publish it to your provider organization. Click the options menu icon options menu icon of three vertical dots either next to the ruleset that you want to publish, or from within the ruleset viewer. Select Publish, and then click Publish again to confirm. The status of your ruleset changes from Draft to Published, and can now be used by API developers to validate their APIs. For more information, see Validating an API document by using API governance.

  • After a ruleset is published, the ruleset information and rules can no longer be edited. If you need to update this information, you must create a new version by clicking the options menu icon options menu icon of three vertical dots either next to the ruleset that you want to edit, or from within the ruleset viewer, and selecting Save as new ruleset.