Installing the v10 target system on VMware

Install your v10 OVA deployments and prepare them for restoring your v2018 data.

About this task

Follow the standard VMware installation procedure, but set the encryption-secret for your v10 deployment to be the same as the encryption-secret extracted from your v2018 source deployment. Copy your apicv10install directory to your v10 VMs, and prepare the v2018 data load image.


  1. Install your v10 API Connect target deployment. Follow the standard v10 installation steps: Install API Connect on VMware, but with the following differences:
    • Ensure you specify different Management backup settings from your v2018 source deployment.
    • If you want to restore portal backups, set the portal backup settings the same as on your v2018 source.
    • IMPORTANT: Before you create the ISO files for your Management VM, set the encryption secret to the one you extracted from your v2018 source deployment:
      apicup certs set <subsystem name> encryption-secret --encoded-string <v2018 enc secret>
      • <subsystem name> is the name of your Management subsystem.
      • <v2018 enc secret> is the v2018 encryption secret from your source Management deployment, located in data/<mgmt_subsystem_name>/<mgmt_subsystem_name>-enc-key.yaml file; for example:
        apiVersion: v1
          encryption_secret.bin: Xv2ES/0aIZnxwMdnGYsrfNM6c3S5iQ2qDbsfjL5bJlT7En0DdM7qlbKMWJIeSbAUVK2AXaMIlNCGV+tNX6ASn2
        kind: Secret
      Important: If you do not set the encryption secret before you created the ISO files, you must create the ISO files again. You cannot update the encryption secret after you deploy the management VM.

Postinstallation verification and v10 toolkit CLI download.

  1. Log in to the Cloud Manager UI: Login to Cloud Manager UI.
  2. Download the v10 toolkit CLI (CLI only) and credentials.json file, see Installing the v10 toolkit.
  3. Unpack the v10 toolkit CLI, and copy the apic-slim and credentials.json files to your apicv10install directory. Rename apic-slim to apic.
  4. SSH to your Management VM and Portal VMs, copy over your apicv10install directory, and set it as the first entry in your PATH variable:
    ssh apicadm@<VM hostname>
    sudo -i
    scp -r <apicv10install directory> /root
    export PATH=/root/<apicv10install directory>:$PATH
    Note: If you are deploying a three node cluster, you need to copy the apicv10install and run the load commands on just one node in each cluster.
  5. Set your toolkit CLI credentials with:
    apic client-creds:set <apicv10install directory>/credentials.json
  6. Verify you can log in to your Management subsystem with the toolkit CLI. Use the same password as you used to log in to the Cloud Manager UI.
    apic login --server <platform_api_endpoint> --username admin --realm admin/default-idp-1
    where <platform_api_endpoint> is the FQDN of the platform api endpoint that is defined for your v10 Management subsystem, this can be found in your apiconnect-up-v10.yml file in your project directory. For more information, see v10 toolkit CLI login.
  7. On your Management VM, prepare the full path string of the migration load image ibm-apiconnect-management-v2018-to-v10-load.
    cd /var/lib/apiconnect-subsystem/registry/<apic version>/ibm-apiconnect-management-v2018-to-v10-load/<version>-LOAD
    Get the sha256sum of the manifest.json file. Example:
    # ls -l
    -rw-r--r-- 1 apicadm apicadm 3254 Sep 16 21:36 manifest.json
    -rw-r--r-- 1 apicadm apicadm   33 Sep 16 21:36 version
    # sha256sum manifest.json
    e9360e36f2544c84e83d2b0be7e2b47f9dc223dee2f604ee8e98778a01302d32  manifest.json
    Use the sha256sum to assemble the full image name:<apic version>/ibm-apiconnect-management-v2018-to-v10-load@sha256:<sha256sum of manifest.json>

What to do next

Restore your v2018 source deployment data to your v10 target deployment: Restoring the v2018 data to the v10 target deployment.