Management subsystem: restarting pods

Restart Management subsystem pods in your API Connect deployment.

About this task

This section describes how to restart Management subsystem pods.


  1. Determine the deployment name by running the following command:
    kubectl -n namespace get deployment | grep CR_name
    • namespace is the namespace where the Management subsystem is installed.
    • CR-name is the name of the CR used for installing the Management subsystem.
  2. Restart pods by running the appropriate kubectl commands, shown in Table 1.

    Use the deployment name that you obtained in step 1.

    Table 1. Management pods and the commands to restart them
    Pod name Restart command
    management-analytics-proxy kubectl rollout restart deployment/deployment_name -n <namespace>
    management-apim kubectl rollout restart deployment/deployment_name -n <namespace>

    A manual restart is not needed when the certificate is updated.

    management-client-downloads-server kubectl rollout restart deployment/deployment_name -n <namespace>

    A manual restart is not needed when the certificate is updated.

    management-hub kubectl rollout restart deployment/deployment_name -n <namespace>
    management-juhu kubectl rollout restart deployment/deployment_name -n <namespace>
    management-ldap kubectl rollout restart deployment/deployment_name -n <namespace>

    A manual restart is not needed when the certificate is updated.

    management-lur kubectl rollout restart deployment/deployment_name -n <namespace>

    A manual restart is not needed when the certificate is updated.

    management-natscluster Execute for each natscluster pod, one at a time:

    kubectl exec management-natscluster-n -- bash -c "kill -HUP 1"

    A manual restart is not needed when the certificate is updated.

    postgres-operator kubectl rollout restart deployment postgres-operator -n <namespace>
    management-random-postgres* Rollout restart all the postgres deployments:

    kubectl -n <namespace> get deploy -o name | grep postgres | egrep -v "backrest|pgbouncer|operator" | xargs kubectl -n <namespace> rollout restart

    management-random-postgres-pgbouncer kubectl rollout restart deployment/deployment_name -n <namespace>

    A manual restart is not needed when the certificate is updated.

    management-portal-proxy kubectl rollout restart deployment/deployment_name -n <namespace>

    A manual restart is not needed when the certificate is updated.

    management-stancluster Execute for each stancluster pod, one at a time:

    kubectl delete pod management-stancluster-n -n <namespace>

    A manual restart is not needed when the certificate is updated.

    management-taskmanager kubectl rollout restart deployment/deployment_name -n <namespace>

    A manual restart is not needed when the certificate is updated.

    management-tunnel kubectl rollout restart deployment/deployment_name -n <namespace>
    management-turnstile kubectl rollout restart deployment/deployment_name -n <namespace>
    management-ui kubectl rollout restart deployment/deployment_name -n <namespace>
    management-remote-sitename-postgres kubectl rollout restart deployment/deployment_name -n <namespace>
  3. Verify that all Management pods are ready by running the following command:
    kubectl -n namespace get po 

    where namespace is the namespace where the Management subsystem is installed.

    The restart is complete when all pods are Running and Ready.