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vfcstat Command


Displays information about Virtual Fibre Channel (VFC) client adapters such as statistics, status, and activities.


vfcstat [ -h ] | [-l ]

vfcstat -d vfc_client_adapter [ -f function_name ]

vfcstat -d vfc_client_adapter -e [ -z ]

vfcstat -d vfc_client_adapter [ -s [ -z ] ] [ -c no_of_times_to_run [ -i intervel_sec] ] [ -F ]


The vfcstat command reports information such as virtual FC adapter state, status, NPort ID, I/O queues information, read/write statistics, binding information with the host (VIOS), link errors, path timeouts, and so on. The required information is fetched in real time and displayed in the output. You can reset some of the details such as statistics and error counts. You can also retrieve read/write statistics in formatted output for scripting purposes by using the -F option. The vfcstat command displays the statistics in a specified time interval for the specific number of times. The vfcstat command works on virtual FC client adapter only.


-c no_of_times_to_run
Specifies the number of times that the vfcstat command must be run when you specify the stats function. Valid values are in the range 1 - 86400.
-d vfc_client_adapter
Specifies the name of the virtual FC client adapter.
Displays error counts for link and path timeout events.
-f function_name
Specifies the function to display the output. For a list of functions that are available for a virtual FC client adapter, see Example 2.
Displays formatted statistic output.
Displays usage and help information.
-i intervel_sec
Specifies the interval between multiple executions of the vfcstat command. Valid values are in the range 1 - 86400 seconds. The default value is 1 second.
Lists all virtual FC client adapters.
Displays read/write statistics.
Resets statistics or error count metrics.


  1. To list all the virtual FC client adapters, enter the following command:
    # vfcstat -l
    The output might be similar to the following example:
  2. To list all the functions available for a specific virtual FC adapter, enter the following command:
    # vfcstat  -d fcs0
    The output might be similar to the following example:
  3. To display the status of a specific virtual FC adapter, enter the following command:
    # vfcstat  -d fcs0 -f status
    The output might be similar to the following example:
    State                 0x10 (ONLINE)
    Opened                true
    cfg_opn_state         0x0
    prev_cfg_channels     0
    flags                 0x1400 ( UP_AFTER_LPM, SCSI_FLOGIN )
    total_io_dma_size     0x20000000
    total_dma_size_used   0x19900000
    no_chs_reason_code    0x0 ( N/A )
    migrated_count        0
    online_time           61925950 (lbolt)
    UP time               498417 sec ( 5 days 18 hours 26 minutes 57 seconds )
    Admin Queue
        active_cmds       0
        spl_active_cmds   0
        pending_cmds      0
        spl_pending_cmds  0
        resp_cmds         0
    SCSI Queue #1
        active_cmds       0
        spl_active_cmds   0
        pending_cmds      0
        spl_pending_cmds  0
        resp_cmds         0
  4. To display statistics of a specific virtual FC adapter, enter the following command:
    # vfcstat  -d fcs0 -s
    The output might be similar to the following example:
    Current time                      : May 15 2023, 01:33:13.644
    Time since last reset             : 499015 sec ( 5 days 18 hours 36 minutes 55 seconds )
    SCSI Queue #1
        Read reqs                     : 128
        Read bytes                    : 10204
        Write reqs                    : 29
        Write bytes                   : 21034
        No DMA res count              : 2
        No SGE count                  : 2
        h_send_dropped                : 1
        h_send_busy                   : 1
        No cmd res count              : 3
    SCSI Queue #2
        Read reqs                     : 99
        Read bytes                    : 17695
        Write reqs                    : 44
        Write bytes                   : 24125
    NVMe Queue #1
        Read reqs                     : 990
        Read bytes                    : 107695
        Write reqs                    : 84
        Write bytes                   : 234125
        Domain Ceiling exceed count   : 1
        No SGE count                  : 2
        h_send_dropped                : 4
        h_send_busy                   : 1
        No cmd res count              : 3
  5. To display statistics of a specific virtual FC client adapter in a formatted output, enter the following command:
    # vfcstat  -d fcs0 -s -F
    The output might be similar to the following example:
    Current time=May 15 2023, 01:35:02.284
    Time since last reset=499124 sec ( 5 days 18 hours 38 minutes 44 seconds )
    Queue number=1
    Read reqs=128
    Read bytes=10204
    Write reqs=29
    Write bytes=21034
    No DMA res count=2
    No SGE count=2
    h_send_dropped =1
    No cmd res count=3
    Queue number=2
    Read reqs=99
    Read bytes=17695
    Write reqs=44
    Write bytes=24125
    Read reqs=990
    Read bytes=107695
    Write reqs=84
    Write bytes=234125
    Domain Ceiling exceed count=1
    No SGE count=2
    No cmd res count=3
  6. To display statistics of a specific virtual FC client adapter in every 10 seconds for 5 times, enter the following command:
    # vfcstat -d fcs0 -s -c 5 -i 10
  7. To reset all fields in the stats function for a specific virtual FC adapter, enter the following command:
    # vfcstat -d fcs0 -s -z
  8. To display error counts for a specific virtual FC adapter, enter the following command:
    # vfcstat  -d fcs0 -e
    The output might be similar to the following example:
    Current time                    : Mar 17 2023, 14:28:23.854
    Time since last reset           : 33041 sec ( 9 hours 10 minutes 41 seconds )
    Link Errors:
               Total errors: 4
            Last 10 minutes: 1
            Last 60 minutes: 2
              Last 24 hours: 4
    Path Timeouts:
                      Domain: Admin
              Total timeouts: 6
             Last 10 minutes: 1
             Last 60 minutes: 2
               Last 24 hours: 6
    Path Timeouts:
                      Domain: SCSI
              Total timeouts: 2
             Last 10 minutes: 0
             Last 60 minutes: 1
               Last 24 hours: 2
    Path Timeouts:
                      Domain: NVMeOF
              Total timeouts: 5
             Last 10 minutes: 1
             Last 60 minutes: 2
               Last 24 hours: 5


Item Description
/usr/bin/vfcstat Contains the vfcstat command.
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