cdpctl Command


Controls the cdpd daemon that receives the incoming data packets or messages by using the Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) and discovers the physically connected Cisco devices.


cdpctl subcommand device_name


The CDP is a Layer 2 (data link layer) protocol that is media-independent and network-independent. The CDP is used by networking applications that run on Cisco devices to discover other Cisco devices that are directly connected to the device. Starting from AIX® 7 with 7200-05, the CDP functions are implemented on an AIX logical partition by using the cdpd daemon to receive the incoming data packets or messages by using the CDP. The System Resource Controller (SRC) subsystem starts the cdpd daemon when you run the following command:
startsrc -s cdpd
The cdpctl command controls the cdpd daemon by configuring the network interface on an AIX logical partition to receive the incoming data packets or messages by using the CDP that contains information about physically connected Cisco devices. The cdpctl command also discovers the physically connected Cisco devices and the associated configuration settings by detecting the data packets or messages that are broadcast from the connected Cisco devices.
Note: The CDP functions are implemented on AIX operating system to receive CDP messages and to discover physically connected devices only. The CDP data packets can be received only by physical interfaces that are connected to the Cisco device and not by virtual interfaces.


Displays list of network interfaces on the AIX logical partition that are CDP-capable. CDP-capable network interface means that the network interface can be configured to receive incoming data packets or messages by using CDP.
Syntax: cdpctl list
Adds a CDP-capable Cisco device or network interface to the AIX logical partition.
Syntax: cdpctl add device_name
show portlist
Displays list of network interfaces that are configured to receive incoming data packets or messages by using CDP.
Syntax: cdpctl show portlist
show port
Displays CDP information (such as switch and router capabilities) that is received on configured CDP-capable network interfaces.
Syntax: cdpctl show port device_name
Removes the configured network interface from receiving any incoming data packets or messages by using the CDP from the connected Cisco devices.
Syntax: cdpctl remove device_name


  • To display the usage of the cdpctl command, enter the following command:
  • To list all the CDP-capable devices and network interfaces in the AIX logical partition, enter the following command:
    cdpctl list
    An output that is similar to the following example is displayed:
    CDP capturable devices on the system:
  • To add a network interface to the AIX logical partition that can receive data packets or messages from the physically connected Cisco devices by using the CDP, enter the following command:
    cdpctl add en0
    An output that is similar to the following example is displayed:
    Successfully added port en0
    Waiting for CDP advertise (default 60 seconds)......
    Device ID                  :
    Address                    : 9.x.y.z
    Port ID                    : Ethernet1/49
                               : Router Level 3
                               : Level 2 Switch
                               : IGMP snooping
    Cisco switch OS Version    : Cisco Nexus Operating System (NX-OS) Software, Version 9.2(3)
    Platform                   : N9K-C92300YC
    Native VLAN ID             : 1
    Trusted Bitmap             : N/A
    AVVID untrusted ports      : N/A
    Duplex                     : Full
    MTU                        : 1500
    System Name                : sw-xxxxxx92300
    System Object ID           : N/A
    Management Addresses       : 9.x.y.z
  • To list the network interfaces on the AIX logical partition that are configured to receive data packets and messages by using CDP, enter the following command:
    cdpctl show portlist
    An output that is similar to the following example is displayed:


Contains the cdpd daemon.
Contains the cdpctl command.