OpenSSH images

Use the following steps to install the OpenSSH images:

  1. Go to the AIX® Web Download Pack Programs website.
    Note: The OpenSSH image is shipped as part of the AIX base media but the image is not installed by default.
  2. Click Downloads in the Additional information section.
  3. Log in by using your ID and password to access the available packages.
  4. Select OpenSSH and click Continue.
  5. Accept the license agreement to download the package.
  6. Extract the image package using the uncompress packagename command. For example:
    uncompress OpenSSH_6.0.0.6203.tar.Z
  7. Untar the package with the tar -xvf packagename command. For example:
     tar -xvf OpenSSH_6.0.0.6203.tar
  8. Run the inutoc command.
  9. Run the smitty install command.
  10. Select Install and Update Software.
  11. Select Update Installed Software to Latest Level (Update All).
  12. Type a dot (.) in the field for INPUT device / directory for software and press Enter.
  13. Scroll down to ACCEPT new license agreements and press the Tab key to change the field to Yes.
  14. Press the Enter key twice to start the installation.

The OpenSSH images are base level images, not Program Temporary Fixes (PTFs). Upon installation, all of the previous code of the previous version is overwritten with the images of the new version.