Adding a New NIS User

To add a new NIS user, use the Web-based System Manager on the master server. Alternatively, you can use one of the following procedures on the master server.

  • Using SMIT:
    1. Enter the smit mkuser fast path. Enter the new NIS user's name in the User NAME field. This adds an entry to the /etc/passwd file for the new user.
    2. Exit SMIT.
    3. Enter the smit mkmaps fast path. Specify passwd in the MAPS that are to be built field.
    4. Exit SMIT.

      The new NIS user is now added, and the master server has requested that all the worker servers update their maps.

  • Using the command line:
    1. Using an editor, add a line for the new NIS user to the /etc/passwd file (or whatever file you use as input to the passwd map). The new line should look similar to the following:
      mel::1295:325:Mel Smith:/u/mel:/bin/ksh
    2. Update the passwd map by entering the following two commands:
      cd /var/yp
      make passwd
    3. Propagate the new passwd map by following the instructions in Propagating an NIS Map.