Status Codes

Find your status code in the following list, and follow the instructions:

Item Description
000 The kernel debugger is started. If there is an ASCII terminal attached to one of the native serial ports, enter q dump at the debugger prompt (>) on that terminal and then wait for flashing 888s to appear in the operator panel display. After the flashing 888 appears, go to Checking the Status of a System Dump.
0c0 The dump completed successfully. Go to Copying a System Dump.
0c1 An I/O error occurred during the dump. Go to System Dump Facility.
0c2 A user-requested dump is not finished. Wait at least 1 minute for the dump to complete and for the operator panel display value to change. If the operator panel display value changes, find the new value on this list. If the value does not change, then the dump did not complete because of an unexpected error.
0c4 The dump ran out of space . A partial dump was written to the dump device, but there is not enough space on the dump device to contain the entire dump. To prevent this problem from occurring again, you must increase the size of your dump media. Go to Increase the Size of a Dump Device.
0c5 The dump failed because of an internal error.
0c8 The dump device has been disabled. The current system configuration does not designate a device for the requested dump. Enter the sysdumpdev command to configure the dump device.
0c9 A dump started by the system did not complete. Wait at least 1 minute for the dump to complete and for the operator panel display value to change. If the operator panel display value changes, find the new value on the list. If the value does not change, then the dump did not complete because of an unexpected error.
0ca A firmware-assisted system dump is not finished yet. System startup resumes after the dump completes.
0cb A firmware-assisted selective memory dump is started. Wait at least 10 minutes for the dump to complete and for the operator-panel display value to change. If the operator-panel display value changes, find the new value on the list. If the value does not change, the dump did not complete because of an unexpected error.
0cc An error occurred dumping to the primary device; the dump has switched over to the secondary device. Wait at least 1 minute for the dump to complete and for the three-digit display value to change. If the three-digit display value changes, find the new value on this list. If the value does not change, then the dump did not complete because of an unexpected error.
c20 The kernel debugger exited without a request for a system dump. Enter the quit dump subcommand. Read the new three-digit value from the LED display.