Changing the PVID and VGID of rootvg

You can change the physical volume identifier (PVID) and the volume group identifier (VGID) of the rootvg volume group during the system boot phase.

To change the PVID and VGID of the rootvg, set the sys0 dev ghostdev attribute with a value of 2 and reboot the system. The sys0 device ghostdev attribute is a bitwise flag.

  • To set the sys0 device ghostdev attribute to change PVID and VGID of rootvg volume group, enter the following command:
    chdev -l sys0 -a ghostdev=2
    Note: The value of 2 for the sys0 device ghostdev attribute is unset, after the ipl_varyon command changes the PVID and VGID of all disks in the rootvg. If the chdev command for changing the PVID of any rootvg disks fails, the ipl_varyon command sends a warning message and continues to vary on the rootvg. If the chdev command for changing the PVID of any disk in rootvg fails, and you want to change the PVID and VGID during the next reboot, set sys0 device ghostdev attribute to 2 again.
  • To list the value of the ghostdev attribute, enter the following command:
    lsattr -E -l sys0 -a ghostdev