Configuring IP over Fiber Channel

This procedure leads you through an enablement and configuration of IP over Fibre Channel.

The Fibre Channel IP device driver must first be enabled. Following the enablement, the cfgmgr command will be run to create the Fibre Channel interface. After the interface is created, the network attributes (such as its IP address, Network Mask, Nameserver, and Gateway) will be assigned.

By default, the Fibre Channel IP device is not enabled. To enable this device, follow these steps:

  1. From the command line, type smit dev.
  2. Select FC Adapter.
  3. Select FC Network Protocol Device.
  4. Select Enable a FC Network Device.
  5. Select the adapter that is going to be enabled.
  6. Use the cfgmgr command to create the Fibre Channel interface.

After the adapter has been enabled, IP needs to be configured over it. Follow these steps to configure IP:

  1. From the command line, type smit tcpip.
  2. Select Minimum Configuration & Startup.
  3. Select the interface that you want to configure. In this case, it will be fcx, where x is the minor number of the interface.
  4. Assign all required attributes.
After the IP attributes have been assigned, verify that the changes took place by tying the following command at the command line:
ifconfig -a
If your configuration was successful, you will see results similar to the following among the results:
        inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast
Additionally, you can run the following command:
ifconfig fcx
where x is the minor number of the interface.