
Learn how to configure IBM® Application Discovery for IBM Z® components based on your needs.

After IBM AD is installed, you can configure the IBM AD product as follows:
  • By using the IBM AD Configuration Wizard. For more information, see Configuring by using IBM AD Configuration Wizard.

    IBM AD Configuration Wizard helps to easily configure the Application Discovery servers, databases, and components, by using the default settings.

  • By using the new interface of IBM AD Configuration Service. For more information, see Advanced Configurations.

    After the installation and configuration of IBM AD, you can use IBM AD Configuration Service to easily perform advanced configurations on the Application Discovery servers, databases, and components, without being necessary to manually update the configuration files. To access IBM AD Configuration Service, go to Start Menu > IBM Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligence > Launch IBM Application Discovery Configuration Service Admin.

  • By following the Manual Configurations steps.
    Important: It is recommended to follow the manual configuration steps only in case that you performed an upgrade to the latest version of IBM AD product.