Db2 for LUW (Linux®, UNIX, and Windows) prerequisites

This topic lists the prerequisite software for creating the Db2 for LUW databases.

IBM Db2 for LUW Server Configurations

On workstations where IBM AD Build Client is installed, Data Server Client V11.5 that contains IBM Data Server Provider for .NET must be installed and licensed. The mentioned package is part of the Db2 Connect™ V11.5 product.
Note: .NET framework 4.5.1 or higher is a prerequisite for IBM AD Build Client.
To license the .NET provider, click Start, select Run, type cmd to open the command window and run the following command:
"<Installation Path for IBM Data Server Client>\BIN\db2licm.exe" -a <path to license file>\<name of license file>
Important: The name of the license file is given by the Db2 Connect™ license type. The following Db2 Connect™ products are available, together with the corresponding license's name:
  • DB2 Connect Personal Edition - db2conpe.lic
  • DB2 Connect Application Server Edition - db2consv_as.lic
  • DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition - db2consv_ee.lic
  • DB2 Connect Unlimited Edition for System i - db2consv_is.lic
  • DB2 Connect Unlimited Edition for System z - db2consv_zs.lic
Example when DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition is used:
"C:\Program Files\IBM\SQLLIB\BIN\db2licm.exe" -a C:\Apps\DB2_CEE_QS_Activation_11.1\consv_ee\db2\license\db2consv_ee.lic
In case that IBM AD Build Client is intended to be used by a standard user, with no administration privileges, make sure that during Db2 Connect V11.5 installation process the Enable operating system security check box is selected.
Note: If you selected the Enable operating system security check box, you now have to add users to the DB2ADMNS or the DB2USERS groups for users that need to run IBM AD Build Client. For more information, see Adding your user ID to the DB2ADMNS and DB2USERS user groups.

Some packages must be bound on the server. The bound files are listed in the ddcsmvs.lst file for IBM Z, for example, C:\Program Files\IBM\SQLLIB_01\bnd\ddcsmvs.lst.

For more information, see Registering a license certificate file using the db2licm command.

Prerequisite software for automatically creating the Db2 for LUW databases

For Cross Applications database, the following prerequisites need to be installed on the machine where IBM AD Servers and Services will be installed:
For Annotations database, the following prerequisites need to be installed on the machine where IBM AD Servers and Services will be installed:

User permissions

In IBM AD application, an operating system user account (Authentication ID) is used to work with the Db2 for LUW repository. The user account must have SYSCTRL authority in order to be able to create databases and to perform actions on the created databases. For more information, see the System control authority (SYSCTRL) topic.

Important: A single instance of Db2 LUW Server can be used for multiple AD Server instances when the following conditions are met:
  • When you configure AD by using the IBM AD Configuration Wizard, make sure that the names of Annotations, Audit, and Cross Analysis databases for each AD environment are unique in all environments and specific to a certain server installation instance, such as Audit_Install_A or Cross_Server_X. For more information, see Configuring by using IBM AD Configuration Wizard.
  • Under normal usage conditions, since there are multiple different environments, the project names cannot be duplicated between the multiple AD environments.