Using Wazi Analyze APIs

With Wazi Analyze APIs, you can access impact analysis results in the Wazi Analyze server without the web user interface.

Use the following navigation links to quickly locate the information that you want to learn about Wazi Analyze APIs.

Getting started with Wazi Analyze APIs

All Wazi Analyze APIs are implemented in GraphQL and respond to the POST requests according to the GraphQL query protocol. A Wazi Analyze API is an integration layer for the Wazi Analyze server data provider and requires Wazi Analyze services to be running to provide data.

To get started with Wazi Analyze APIs, complete the following steps.
  1. Configure the host container.
    The Wazi Analyze host container should have an additional port mapping that is defined for accessing the APIs. The port by default in the container image is set to 4680. When you start the Wazi Analyze container, run the following command to add the port mapping parameter.
    -p <host port>:4680
    Note: Replace <host port> with your preferred port to map to, for example,
    -p 4680:4680
  2. Start up and configure the servers.

    The Wazi Analyze servers ( should be running for the API servers to be able to query the data. Starting up the Wazi Analyze servers will automatically start the Wazi Analyze API server.

  3. Authentication and authorization.

    Authentication and authorization are required for the most of the Wazi Analyze APIs, except for the introspection API described in a later section. The API user has to supply an authenticated session cookie and a pseudo bearer token when invoking the API.

    The authenticated session cookie can be obtained by sending a POST request to the API /login endpoint. The content of the request body must contain a JSON object with a single password field set to the Wazi Analyze user password. (The Wazi Analyze user password is established by passing it to the Wazi Analyze start up script, either on the script command line invocation or by entering it at the script's prompt). Here is an example of the /login POST:
    Content-Type: application/json
    {"password": "sup3rC00l"}

    Replace userPassw0rd with the password that you provided during starting up the Wazi Analyze server on Step 2.

    Note: The password is not stored by the Wazi Analyze API and is only used once to authenticate the login request. You can use any HTTP client, such as cURL to invoke the /login request. For example, using cURL:
    curl -X POST -k -v -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"password\": \"userPassw0rd\"}" https://localhost:4680/login

    Note that the -k cURL switch allows to bypass strict SSL/TLS certificate validation. If you have a valid SSL/TLS certificate installed on your server you should omit this switch.

    If the login call is successful (HTTP code 200), it will return a session cookie that is similar to the following example:

    Set-Cookie: gql_session_id=s%3AtAELFpM6o6n3QFEJAe8YFELbgeo-El-n.GIcHUXJ%2FDSm0x1iDBWIN52bGN7e0gV6%2Bl2Kmatd%2BPGs; 
    Path=/; Expires=Sat, 25 Sep 2021 04:40:09 GMT; HttpOnly; Secure; SameSite=None

    The bearer token is generated when running the Wazi Analyze start up script and represents the password that is specified during the startup, concatenated with itself. For example, if your password is userPassw0rd, the bearer token will be userPassw0rduserPassw0rd.

    Most calls to the Wazi Analyze API require the bearer token as part of the Authorization header on the HTTP POST request as follows:
    Authorization: bearer <token>

    The token value is not stored by the API component and each time you start Wazi Analyze servers, the token is reset to the new value that you provide, along with the Wazi Analyze UI password. The password can contain any combination of 5 to 15 alphanumeric characters and special symbols except equal sign =, hyphen -, or blank .

    After you obtain the session cookie and the bearer token, you can use any HTTP client, such as cURL to invoke the Wazi Analyze API. For example, using cURL:

    curl -k -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: bearer sup3rC00lsup3rC00l" -H "Cookie: gql_session_id=s%3AtAELFpM6o6n3QFEJAe8YFELbgeo-El-n.GIcHUXJ%2FDSm0x1iDBWIN52bGN7e0gV6%2Bl2Kmatd%2BPGs; Path=/; Expires=Sat, 25 Sep 2021 04:40:09 GMT; HttpOnly; Secure; SameSite=None" -d "{\"query\":\"query{projects {id type}}\"}" https://localhost:4680/azn-graphql/v1

    Note that schema introspection queries (the information about the model) does not require a token.

  4. Access the API endpoint to view impact analysis results.
    Wazi Analyze API endpoint in the container is running on port 4680 as follows.
  5. Shut down the API server.

    Run the script to shut down the Wazi Analyze API server, which will shut down all the Wazi Analyze servers.

API Specification

You can run queries programmatically through either command line tools, such as cURL, or a browser-based REST client, such as Postman.


GraphQL is introspective. You can query a GraphQL schema for information about what queries it supports. No authentication is required when you query a GraphQL schema.

Listing all types defined in the schema
Use query __schema to list all types that are defined in the schema.
query {
  __schema {
    types {
      fields {
Example with cURL:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"query":"query{__schema {types {name kind description fields {name}}}}"}' -k https://localhost:4680/azn-graphql/v1
Note: -k cURL switch allows to bypass strict SSL/TLS certificate validation. If you have a valid SSL/TLS certificate installed on your server, you should omit this switch.
Note: If you use Windows command prompt to run cURL command, in the JSON data, do not use single quotes and escape any double quotes like the following example:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"query\":\"query{projects {id type}}\"}" -k https://localhost:4680/azn-graphql/v1
Getting details about any type
Use query _type to get details about any type.
query {
  __type(name: "AznProject") {
    fields {
uid/ProjectUid and projectType parameters

The following queries supported by graphQL accept the following two special parameters: uid/ProjectUid and projectType.

GraphQL is meant to support different data providers. Each of these data providers might have projects that have the same id, but a different source for the data. The projectType parameter supplied to the queries is to assist graphQL in recognizing which data provider to call upon, given a specific projectId. The projectType parameter accepts the following values:
projectType {

In the case that a projectType parameter is not specified in the queries, graphQL will default the value to WaziAnalyze.

Potential consumers may not want to keep track of both the projectId and the projectType of the projects returned from graphQL. In cases like these, graphQL will return a uid for each project that is returned when the projects query is called, and this uid can be used when calling other queries as uid for the project query or projectUid for the other queries.

Both the uid/projectUid and projectType parameters are to assist graphQL to recognize the distinction between the projects and call upon the correct data provider.

Available APIs

Note: All the samples in Project API, Program API, File API, and Graph API section are using GenAppC project, the sample project that is shipped with Wazi Analyze.
Project API
The Project API retrieves information about generic project objects that are supplied by the providers. The following APIs are supported.
projects(queryString: ID): [AznBasicProject]
project(id: ID, uid: ID, projectType: String, status: Boolean): AznBasicProject
project(id: ID, uid: ID, projectType: String, status: Boolean): AznBasicProject    
    id: ID
    type: String
    label: String
    metadata: JSON
Sample Project API
Sample request message:
//Retrieve a list of all project ids and types

POST `https://localhost:4680/azn-graphql/v1`
Authorization: bearer 0123456789

{"query": "{ projects {id type}}" }
Sample request using cURL:
curl -X POST -H "Authorization: bearer 0123456789" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"query":"query{projects {id type}}"}' -k https://localhost:4680/azn-graphql/v1
Sample response message:
    "data": {
        "projects": [
                "id": "GenAppC",
                "type": "project"
                "id": "GenApp_dev",
                "type": "project"
                "id": "GenApp_wrk",
                "type": "project"
Sample request message:
//Retrieve a list of project ids and metadata for all projects whose Id contains a string `wrk`

POST `https://localhost:4680/azn-graphql/v1`
Authorization: bearer 0123456789

{"query": "{ projects(queryString:\"wrk\") {id metadata}}" }
    "data": {
        "projects": [
                "id": "GenApp_wrk",
                "metadata": {
                    "metatype": "logical",
                    "info": [
Program API
The Program API retrieves a list of generic (as defined by a provider) program object names for a specified project. The following API is supported.
programs(queryString: String, projectId: ID, projectUid: ID, projectType: String): [AznProgram]
Sample Program API
Sample request message:
//Retrieve a list of program names (labels) for all programs whose nane contains a string `LGTEST` in project `GenAppC`
  programs(projectId: "GenAppC", queryString: "LGTEST") {
Sample response message:
  "data": {
    "programs": [
        "label": "LGTESTC1"
        "label": "LGTESTP1"
        "label": "LGTESTP2"
        "label": "LGTESTP3"
        "label": "LGTESTP4"
File API
The File API retrieves a list of generic (as defined by a provider) file object names for a specified project. The following API is supported.
files(queryString: String, projectId: ID, projectUid: ID, projectType: String): [AznFile]
Sample File API
Sample request message:
//Retrieve a list of file names (labels) for all files whose name contains a string `LGC` in project `GenAppC`
  files(projectId: "GenAppC", queryString: "LGC") {
Sample response message:
  "data": {
    "files": [
        "label": "LGCMAREA.CPY"
        "label": "LGCMARER.CPY"
The Job API retrieves a list of generic (as defined by a provider) job object names for a specified project. The Job object represents a Job as defined in the z/OS operating system. The following API is supported:
jobs(queryString: String, projectId: ID, projectUid: ID, projectType: String): [AznJob]
Sample job API
Sample request message:
//Retrieve a list of job names (labels) for all jobs whose name contains a string `DMHJCL0` in project `GenAppC`
  jobs(projectId: "GenAppC", queryString: "DMHJCL0") {
Sample response message:
  "data": {
    "jobs": [
        "id": "DMHJCL02"
        "id": "DMHJCL05"
        "id": "DMHJCL07"
        "id": "DMHJCL09"
Graph API

The Graph API retrieves the information about the types and relationships between and among generic (as defined by a provider) program objects and/or generic file objects. The Graph response format is based on JSON Graph Format specification (V2).

The following API is supported.
graphs (
programName: String
fileName: String
jobName: String
projectId: ID
callDepth: BigInt
projectUid: ID
projectType: String
): [Graph]

The provider for Wazi Analyze data is for static source code analysis. Based on the static analysis of code, the relationship between programs is programCall-type, the relationship between files is contain-type, the relationship between a z/OS is job-type and its steps are jobContain-type. When you specify the programName query parameter without callDepth, the relationship edges array in the response will contain both the programCall-type relationship for the specified program name and the contain type relationships for the files related to the program, such as included source files. Note that if you have duplicate program names in your project, where the duplicate program name is located in a file that has a name different from the program name, the query results will be undetermined. Also note that the File artifacts are called modules in the nodes map metadata. Contain-type (including jobContain) relationships do not have a depth specification and for programName queries, the entire set of related files will be returned, including files whose references are nested in the relationship chain.

When you specify the programName query parameter with callDepth, the relationship edges will contain only programCall-type relationship for the specified program name. Call depth specification is honored in both call directions. That is, both parents and children of the program are returned at the specified depth. Note that the nodes map may still contain File (metadata type module) artifacts that could be ignored for the purpose of programCall-type depth relationships.

When you specify the fileName, a contain-type list of edges will be returned for the fileName. Only files that are directly referenced by the file containing the fileName are returned. For example, if file A contains references to file B and C, and file B contains references to file D, only relationships to B and C will be returned for file A. The edges might also contain programCall-type relationship, and the nodes map might contain program-type nodes, which can be ignored for the purpose of contain-type relationships.

When you specify jobName, a jobContain-type list of edges will be returned for the jobName. The nodes in the job graph represent the job steps in the source JCL.

When you specify a combination of programName, fileName, or jobName, the corresponding separate independent graph objects will be returned. The callDepth parameter will be applied to programName-based graph only.

Sample Graph API
Sample request message:
//Retrieve graph for program with name `LGACUS01` and file `LGACUS01.CBL` in project `GenAppC`
  graphs(projectId: "GenAppC", programName: "LGACUS01", fileName: "LGACUS01.CBL") {
    edges {
Sample response message:
  "data": {
    "graphs": [
        "id": "RAAJCL-Y2KMVSBD-jobgraph",
        "type": "Jobs",
        "label": "Hypercube data extract: column=job%2Bjobstep%2Bexttype%2Bextref%2Bextvalue%2Bdisposition",
        "nodes": {
          "job:Y2KMVSBD": {
            "label": "Y2KMVSBD",
            "metadata": {
              "type": "job"
          "jobstep:1:LKED": {
            "label": "LKED",
            "metadata": {
              "type": "jobstep",
              "stepnum": 1,
              "exttype": "EXEC",
              "extref": "IEWL",
              "extvalue": "(LET,MAP,LIST)",
              "disposition": "",
              "ref": [
                  "id": "ref:SYSLIB:1:LKED",
                  "exttype": "DD",
                  "extref": "SYSLIB",
                  "extvalue": "LE370.V1R5M0.SCEELKED",
                  "disposition": "SHR"
                  "id": "ref:SYSLIB:1:LKED",
                  "exttype": "DD",
                  "extref": "SYSLIB",
                  "extvalue": "DB2.V5R1M0.SDSNLOAD",
                  "disposition": "SHR"
                  "id": "ref:SYSPRINT:1:LKED",
                  "exttype": "DD",
                  "extref": "SYSPRINT",
                  "extvalue": "SYSOUT",
                  "disposition": ""
                  "id": "ref:SYSLMOD:1:LKED",
                  "exttype": "DD",
                  "extref": "SYSLMOD",
                  "extvalue": "LSTAUS.QA.LOADLIB",
                  "disposition": "SHR"
                  "id": "ref:SYSUT1:1:LKED",
                  "exttype": "DD",
                  "extref": "SYSUT1",
                  "extvalue": "UNIT",
                  "disposition": ""
                  "id": "ref:OBJECT:1:LKED",
                  "exttype": "DD",
                  "extref": "OBJECT",
                  "extvalue": "LSTAUS.QA.OBJ",
                  "disposition": "OLD"
                  "id": "ref:SYSLIN:1:LKED",
                  "exttype": "DD",
                  "extref": "SYSLIN",
                  "extvalue": "",
                  "disposition": ""
                  "id": "ref:SYSLIB:1:LKED",
                  "exttype": "DD",
                  "extref": "SYSLIB",
                  "extvalue": "CICS.V4R1M0.SDFHLOAD",
                  "disposition": "SHR"
                  "id": "ref:SYSLMOD:1:LKED",
                  "exttype": "DD",
                  "extref": "SYSLMOD",
                  "extvalue": "LSTAUS.QA.CICS.LOADLIB",
                  "disposition": "SHR"
          "jobstep:1:LKED:EXEC:IEWL": {
            "label": "IEWL",
            "metadata": {
              "type": "EXEC",
              "stepnum": 1
          "jobstep:2:BIND": {
            "label": "BIND",
            "metadata": {
              "type": "jobstep",
              "stepnum": 2,
              "exttype": "EXEC",
              "extref": "IKJEFT1A",
              "extvalue": "",
              "disposition": "",
              "ref": [
                  "id": "ref:STEPLIB:2:BIND",
                  "exttype": "DD",
                  "extref": "STEPLIB",
                  "extvalue": "DB2.V5R1M0.SDSNEXIT",
                  "disposition": "SHR"
                  "id": "ref:STEPLIB:2:BIND",
                  "exttype": "DD",
                  "extref": "STEPLIB",
                  "extvalue": "DB2.V5R1M0.SDSNLOAD",
                  "disposition": "SHR"
                  "id": "ref:DBRMLIB:2:BIND",
                  "exttype": "DD",
                  "extref": "DBRMLIB",
                  "extvalue": "LSTAUS.QA.DBRMLIB",
                  "disposition": "SHR"
                  "id": "ref:SYSPRINT:2:BIND",
                  "exttype": "DD",
                  "extref": "SYSPRINT",
                  "extvalue": "SYSOUT",
                  "disposition": ""
                  "id": "ref:SYSTSPRT:2:BIND",
                  "exttype": "DD",
                  "extref": "SYSTSPRT",
                  "extvalue": "SYSOUT",
                  "disposition": ""
                  "id": "ref:SYSUDUMP:2:BIND",
                  "exttype": "DD",
                  "extref": "SYSUDUMP",
                  "extvalue": "SYSOUT",
                  "disposition": ""
                  "id": "ref:SYSTSIN:2:BIND",
                  "exttype": "DD",
                  "extref": "SYSTSIN",
                  "extvalue": "",
                  "disposition": ""
          "jobstep:2:BIND:EXEC:IKJEFT1A": {
            "label": "IKJEFT1A",
            "metadata": {
              "type": "EXEC",
              "stepnum": 2
          "jobstep:3:DATEFILE": {
            "label": "DATEFILE",
            "metadata": {
              "type": "jobstep",
              "stepnum": 3,
              "exttype": "EXEC",
              "extref": "IDCAMS",
              "extvalue": "",
              "disposition": "",
              "ref": [
                  "id": "ref:SYSPRINT:3:DATEFILE",
                  "exttype": "DD",
                  "extref": "SYSPRINT",
                  "extvalue": "SYSOUT",
                  "disposition": ""
                  "id": "ref:SYSIN:3:DATEFILE",
                  "exttype": "DD",
                  "extref": "SYSIN",
                  "extvalue": "",
                  "disposition": ""
          "jobstep:3:DATEFILE:EXEC:IDCAMS": {
            "label": "IDCAMS",
            "metadata": {
              "type": "EXEC",
              "stepnum": 3
          "jobstep:4:MKDATEFL": {
            "label": "MKDATEFL",
            "metadata": {
              "type": "jobstep",
              "stepnum": 4,
              "exttype": "EXEC",
              "extref": "ICEMAN",
              "extvalue": "",
              "disposition": "",
              "ref": [
                  "id": "ref:SYSOUT:4:MKDATEFL",
                  "exttype": "DD",
                  "extref": "SYSOUT",
                  "extvalue": "SYSOUT",
                  "disposition": ""
                  "id": "ref:SYSPRINT:4:MKDATEFL",
                  "exttype": "DD",
                  "extref": "SYSPRINT",
                  "extvalue": "",
                  "disposition": ""
                  "id": "ref:SORTIN:4:MKDATEFL",
                  "exttype": "DD",
                  "extref": "SORTIN",
                  "extvalue": "",
                  "disposition": ""
                  "id": "ref:SORTOUT:4:MKDATEFL",
                  "exttype": "DD",
                  "extref": "SORTOUT",
                  "extvalue": "&DATE",
                  "disposition": "(NEW,PASS,DELETE)"
                  "id": "ref:SYSIN:4:MKDATEFL",
                  "exttype": "DD",
                  "extref": "SYSIN",
                  "extvalue": "",
                  "disposition": ""
          "jobstep:4:MKDATEFL:EXEC:ICEMAN": {
            "label": "ICEMAN",
            "metadata": {
              "type": "EXEC",
              "stepnum": 4
          "jobstep:5:DATELOAD": {
            "label": "DATELOAD",
            "metadata": {
              "type": "jobstep",
              "stepnum": 5,
              "exttype": "EXEC",
              "extref": "IDCAMS",
              "extvalue": "",
              "disposition": "",
              "ref": [
                  "id": "ref:SYSPRINT:5:DATELOAD",
                  "exttype": "DD",
                  "extref": "SYSPRINT",
                  "extvalue": "SYSOUT",
                  "disposition": ""
                  "id": "ref:INDD:5:DATELOAD",
                  "exttype": "DD",
                  "extref": "INDD",
                  "extvalue": "&DATE",
                  "disposition": "(MOD,DELETE,DELETE)"
                  "id": "ref:OUTDD:5:DATELOAD",
                  "exttype": "DD",
                  "extref": "OUTDD",
                  "extvalue": "LSTAUS.QA.VSAM.CICS.DATE",
                  "disposition": "SHR"
                  "id": "ref:SYSIN:5:DATELOAD",
                  "exttype": "DD",
                  "extref": "SYSIN",
                  "extvalue": "",
                  "disposition": ""
          "jobstep:5:DATELOAD:EXEC:IDCAMS": {
            "label": "IDCAMS",
            "metadata": {
              "type": "EXEC",
              "stepnum": 5
        "edges": [
            "target": "jobstep:1:LKED",
            "source": "job:Y2KMVSBD",
            "relation": "jobContain"
            "target": "jobstep:1:LKED:EXEC:IEWL",
            "source": "jobstep:1:LKED",
            "relation": "jobExec"
            "target": "jobstep:2:BIND",
            "source": "job:Y2KMVSBD",
            "relation": "jobContain"
            "target": "jobstep:2:BIND:EXEC:IKJEFT1A",
            "source": "jobstep:2:BIND",
            "relation": "jobExec"
            "target": "jobstep:3:DATEFILE",
            "source": "job:Y2KMVSBD",
            "relation": "jobContain"
            "target": "jobstep:3:DATEFILE:EXEC:IDCAMS",
            "source": "jobstep:3:DATEFILE",
            "relation": "jobExec"
            "target": "jobstep:4:MKDATEFL",
            "source": "job:Y2KMVSBD",
            "relation": "jobContain"
            "target": "jobstep:4:MKDATEFL:EXEC:ICEMAN",
            "source": "jobstep:4:MKDATEFL",
            "relation": "jobExec"
            "target": "jobstep:5:DATELOAD",
            "source": "job:Y2KMVSBD",
            "relation": "jobContain"
            "target": "jobstep:5:DATELOAD:EXEC:IDCAMS",
            "source": "jobstep:5:DATELOAD",
            "relation": "jobExec"
Java Graph API
The Java Graph API retrieves the call relationship information about the Java programming language methods. The Graph response format is based on JSON Graph Format specification (V2). The following API is supported:
javaGraph (
packageName: String
className: String
methodName: String
projectId: ID
callDepth: BigInt
projectUid: ID
projectType: String
): [Graph]
Note: If there are anonymous classes and anonymous functions from lambda expressions that are used in Java source, the nodes on the graph that represent those classes and functions will be labeled with sequential numbers. For example, 1,2,3 and 1lambda, 2lambda, 3lambda respectively.
Sample Java Graph API
Sample request message:
//Retrieve graph for package with name ``,  class `VerifyMigration`, method `main` in project `SampleJava`
   javaGraph (projectId:"SampleJava" packageName:"" 
                methodName:"main" className:"VerifyMigration") {
    edges {
Sample response message:
    "data": {
      "javaGraph": {
        "id": "SampleJava",
        "type": "Java Artifacts",
        "label": "Hypercube data extract for: class=VerifyMigration method=main direction=3",
        "nodes": {
          " Connection(java.lang.String)": {
            "label": "createDB2zConnection",
            "metadata": {
              "type": "method",
              "package": "",
              "class": "VerifyMigration",
              "signature": "Connection(java.lang.String)"
          " void(java.lang.String[])": {
            "label": "main",
            "metadata": {
              "type": "method",
              "package": "",
              "class": "VerifyMigration",
              "signature": "void(java.lang.String[])"
          " void(java.lang.String)": {
            "label": "println",
            "metadata": {
              "type": "method",
              "package": "",
              "class": "PrintStream",
              "signature": "void(java.lang.String)"
        "edges": [
            "source": " void(java.lang.String[])",
            "target": " void(java.lang.String)",
            "relation": "MethodCall"
            "source": " void(java.lang.String[])",
            "target": " Connection(java.lang.String)",
            "relation": "MethodCall"
Security administration API
For Application Discovery data provider that is enabled for authentication, the Wazi Analyze server provides a mutation query to login and persist the AD security token so that the data retrieval APIs can call the AD provider with proper authorization. The mutation query is as follows:
providerType: String
username: String
password: String
client_id: String
client_secret: String
grant_type: String
scope: String
): AznAuthTokenType
Note that username, password, client_id and client_secret are required parameters. client_id and client_secret are provided in the AD authorization settings. username and password are the authorized user and password for the corresponding AD accounts. For more information about AD security configuration, see AD authentication server documentation.
Sample AD authorization API
Sample request message:
mutation {authorizeProvider (providerType:"APPLICATION_DISCOVERY_SERVER"
  username:"" password:"Sup3rC!00l" 
  client_secret:"password") {
Request in a JSON payload format:
{"query": "mutation { authorizeProvider (providerType: \"APPLICATION_DISCOVERY_SERVER\" username:\"\" password:\"Sup3rC!00l\" client_secret:\"password\") {access_token token_type expires_in refresh_token id_token}}" };
Sample response message:
  "data": {
    "authorizeProvider": {
      "access_token": "i4323zzvmaeazb4vovmsghfmi",
      "token_type": "bearer",
      "expires_in": 86399,
      "refresh_token": "ChlkNm9mZWtmNjJhZTQ3dnY0Z2Q1eGtqb2NhEhl2eTN1ZWtvamd5eHhjNXp5M3czYXl6b2tq",
      "id_token": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IjViM2..."

Error handling

GraphQL queries report data errors and data authorization errors through a response body in an HTTP code 200 response. This behavior is different from many REST-based systems where the data and authorization errors might cause HTTP error response codes. GraphQL systems will produce HTTP error responses in cases of network server, endpoint access errors, and query syntax errors. Queries that result in empty responses or other recoverable back end errors, the GraphQL-based API will return HTTP 200 and either empty responses or a body with a standard GraphQL errors array content that contains the error message.

For individual query authorization errors, API will return an HTTP 200 with an errors array in the message body, for example:

    "message": "Authorization failed. Token is not authorized.",
       {"line": 1, "column": 2}
   graph": null