Getting started with Survey Connector

The Acoustic Campaign Organization Administrator (Org Admin) complete a one-time setup to successfully link Survey Connector to Acoustic Campaign, your survey vendor, and Acoustic Exchange accounts.

Applications Used

Use these applications to complete the Survey Connector setup. Before you begin, ensure that the applications are active and you have all relevant login credentials.

  • Acoustic Campaign: 1) update database fields, 2) create a Relational Table (Survey Connector Responses), and 3) add Universal Behaviors
  • Survey account users can integrate their surveys with Survey Connector to pass responses to Acoustic Campaign
  • Acoustic Exchange account users can query on behaviors from your survey vendor.


Complete the steps for Survey Connector setup.

  1. Connect Acoustic Campaign to Survey Connector.
  2. Connect your survey vendor to Survey Connector.
  3. Connect Acoustic Exchange to Survey Connector. (optional)

Next Step

After you complete these steps, you can begin using Survey Connector to monitor surveys, map survey questions, add your trackable survey link to an email, mobile app message, or SMS message, and then view survey responses.