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IBM Redbooks release notes

The IBM Documentation platform continues to add new types of content to its platform, creating a centralized, integrated location for IBM’s technical content. Recent additions include IBM Announcements and Sales Manuals content.

Now you can access IBM Redbooks from IBM Documentation, also. We’re exploring how to improve the discoverability of related content and we’d like your feedback, over the next several months during this pilot program.

NOTE: The pilot program contains a subset of IBM Redbooks related to the IBM Z Hardware and IBM Z Software publications.

You can explore IBM Redbooks content on the IBM Documentation platform by:

  1. Selecting the “IBM Redbooks” tab at top of the IBM Documentation home page

  2. Navigating directly to the IBM Redbooks page on IBM Documentation

  3. Exploring the IBM z/OS or IBM Z Hardware product pages and discovering related contextual information (i.e. IBM Redbooks, Product announcements). To discover related contextual content, scroll to the bottom of the left navigation pane to see links to IBM Redbooks, announcements, and sales manuals.

Once you’ve explored a little, we’d really like your feedback. You can leave feedback by:

  • Participating in a short survey

  • Sharing your comments about your experience  (navigation, ease of use, search, etc.) within the IBM Redbooks pages by selecting “Thumbs up” or “Thumbs down” to the question “Was this topic helpful?” located at the top of the page. A dialog box will open where you can leave (optional) comments.

Note: The IBM Redbooks site will not be changed in any way during the pilot program.