Replacing the CMOS battery: 2145-DH8

Perform the following procedure if you need to replace the system-board CMOS battery on a SAN Volume Controller 2145-DH8 node.

Before you begin

Multiple power cords. The product might be equipped with multiple power cords. To remove all hazardous voltages, disconnect all power cords. (L003)
Multiple plugs: first set
Multiple plugs: second set
Multiple plugs: third set
The battery contains lithium. To avoid possible explosion, do not burn or charge the battery.

Do not: Throw or immerse into water, heat to more than 100°C (212°F), repair or disassemble. (C003)

About this task

This service action assumes that the following precautions were taken:
  • The node is turned off.
  • The power cables are disconnected.
  • The battery is removed from the node.
  • The top cover is off.

Complete the following steps to replace the SAN Volume Controller 2145-DH8 system-board CMOS battery:


  1. Follow any special handling and installation instructions that come with the replacement battery.
  2. Locate the battery on the system board, as shown by Figure 1.
    Figure 1. Location of the SAN Volume Controller 2145-DH8 CMOS battery holder
    CMOS battery holder location
  3. Insert the new battery:
    1. Tilt the battery so that you can insert it into the socket on the side opposite the battery clip.
    2. Press the battery across into the socket until it clicks into place. Make sure that the battery clip holds the battery securely, as shown in Figure 2.
      Figure 2. SAN Volume Controller 2145-DH8 CMOS battery holder
      CMOS battery holder
    3. If you removed a rubber cover from the battery holder, use your fingers to install the battery cover on top of the battery connector.
  4. Make sure that all cables, adapters, and other components are installed and seated correctly and that you have not left loose tools or parts inside the node. Make sure that all internal cables are correctly routed. If you disconnected the Fibre Channel and Ethernet cables, make sure that each cable is reconnected to the same port from which it was removed.
  5. Replace the top cover.
  6. If you removed the node from the rack, replace the node in the rack.
  7. If you removed any Fibre Channel or Ethernet cables, use the labels you that placed on each cable to identify the ports from which they were removed.
  8. If you removed the power cords, replace the power cords and the cable-retention brackets.
  9. Lift the locking levers ( 1  in Figure 3) on the slide rails and push the node  2  all the way into the rack until it clicks into place.
    Figure 3. Raising the locking levers of the slide rails of the rack
    Raising the locking levers of the slide rails of the rack
  10. Turn on the node.
  11. If a problem causes you to restart the node, see MAP 5900: Hardware boot. Then, connect a monitor and keyboard to the system and reset the BIOS date and time.