Dataset Attributes Catalog Summary
The Dataset Attributes Catalog Summary attributes provide the number of data sets cataloged in each system catalog. This data shows the distribution of data sets across catalogs and can allow rebalancing to improve performance.
When the Collect Catalog Data option is enabled, the catalog data is retrieved for each data set encountered in the VTOC of the volume. See Dataset Attributes Database for more information.
Allocated GB: Total allocated GB represented by all of the data sets in the catalog.
Allocated MB: Total allocated MB represented by all of the data sets in the catalog.
Allocated Tracks: Total allocated tracks represented by all of the data sets in the catalog.
Catalog Name: Name of the catalog.
Managed System: An internal node name used to identify the system from which this row of data was obtained.
Timestamp: The time that the row was created.
Unused GB: Total unused GB represented by all of the data sets in the catalog.
Unused MB: Total unused MB represented by all of the data sets in the catalog.
Unused Tracks: Total unused tracks represented by all of the data sets in the catalog.
Used GB: Total used GB represented by all of the data sets in the catalog.
Used MB: Total used MB represented by all of the data sets in the catalog.
Used Tracks: Total used tracks represented by all of the data sets in the catalog.