RLS Lock Structure

The RLS Lock Structure attributes provide a roll-up of the activity for all lock structures.

Add To End Lock Reqs False Cont: Total number of ESDS Add to End lock requests in false contention.

Add To End Lock Reqs Per Min: Number of ESDS Add to End lock requests per minute in hundredths.

Add To End Lock Reqs True Cont: Total number of ESDS Add to End lock requests in true contention.

ATE Lock False Cont Pct: Percent of ESDS Add to End lock requests in false contention in tenths of a percent.

ATE Lock False Cont Per Min: Number of ESDS Add to End lock requests in false contention per minute in hundredths.

ATE Lock True Cont Pct: Percent of ESDS Add to End lock requests in true contention in tenths of a percent.

ATE Lock True Cont Per Min: Number of ESDS Add to End lock requests in true contention per minute in hundredths.

Average Response Time: Average response time for the data set in .01 milliseconds.

Collection Interval: Time span over which data was collected in seconds.

Collection Time: Time when data was collected.

DIWA Lock False Cont Minute: Number of Data Insert Work Area (DIWA) lock requests that had false contention per minute in hundredths.

DIWA Lock False Contention: Number of Data Insert Work Area (DIWA) lock requests that had false contention.

DIWA Lock False Contention Pct: Percent of Data Insert Work Area (DIWA) lock requests that had false contention in tenths of a percent.

DIWA Lock Reqs True Contention: Number of Data Insert Work Area (DIWA) lock requests that had true contention.

DIWA Lock Requests: Number of Data Insert Work Area (DIWA) lock requests.

DIWA Lock Requests per Minute: Number of Data Insert Work Area (DIWA) lock requests per minute in hundredths.

DIWA Lock True Contention Minute: Number of Data Insert Work Area (DIWA) lock requests that had true contention per minute in hundredths.

DIWA Lock True Contention Pct: Percent of Data Insert Work Area (DIWA) lock requests that had true contention in tenths of a percent.

ESDS Add To End Lock Requests: Total number of component 2 (ESDS Add to End) lock requests.

Exception Path Lock Req Minute: VSAM RLS exception path lock requests per minute in hundredths.

Exception Path Lock Requests: Total number of lock requests. VSAM RLS exception path.

Excp Path False Cont Lock Req: Total number of false contention VSAM RLS exception path lock requests.

Excp Path False Cont Lock Req Per Minute: Number of false contention VSAM RLS exception path lock requests per minute in hundredths.

Excp Path False Contention Pct: Percent of exception path lock requests that were in false contention in tenths of a percent.

Excp Path True Cont Lock Req: Total number of true contention VSAM RLS exception path lock requests.

Excp Path True Cont Lock Req Per Minute: Number of true contention VSAM RLS exception path lock requests per minute in hundredths.

Excp Path True Contention Pct: Percent of exception path lock requests that were in true contention in tenths of a percent.

Lock Table Name: DFSMS lock table name.

Main Path False Cont Lock Req: Total number of false contention VSAM RLS mainline lock requests.

Main Path False Cont Lock Req Per Minute: Number of false contention VSAM RLS mainline lock requests per minute in hundredths.

Main Path False Contention Pct: Percent of mainline lock requests that were in false contention in tenths of a percent.

Main Path True Cont Lock Req: Total number of true contention VSAM RLS mainline lock requests.

Main Path True Cont Lock Req Per Minute: Number of true contention VSAM RLS mainline lock requests per minute in hundredths.

Main Path True Contention Pct: Percent of mainline lock requests that were in true contention in tenths of a percent.

Mainline Path Lock Req Minute: VSAM RLS mainline path lock requests per minute in hundredths.

Mainline Path Lock Requests: Total number of lock requests. VSAM RLS mainline path.

ORIGINNODE: An internal node name used to identify the system.

Rec Lock False Contention Pct: Percent of record lock requests that were in false contention in tenths of a percent.

Rec Lock Req False Con Minute: Number of record lock requests in false contention per minute in hundredths.

Rec Lock Req False Contention: Number of record lock requests (obtain, alter, promote) in false contention.

Rec Lock Req True Con Minute: Number of record lock requests in true contention per minute in hundredths.

Rec Lock Req True Contention: Number of record lock requests (obtain, alter, promote) in true contention.

Rec Lock True Contention Pct: Percent of record lock requests that were in true contention in tenths of a percent.

Record Lock Reqs Per Minute: Number of record lock requests per minute in hundredths.

Record Lock Requests: Number of record lock requests (obtain, alter, promote)


Statistics Level: Statistics level, indicating if the data is for the sysplex or an individual system.

System Sysplex Name: Either the sysplex or system name.

Upg Locks False Cont Per Min: Number of upgrade locks in false contention per minute in hundredths.

Upg Locks True Cont Per Min: Number of upgrade locks in true contention per minute in hundredths.

Upgrade Lock Requests: Number of upgrade lock requests (component 1 class 2).

Upgrade Locks False Cont Pct: Percentage of upgrade lock requests that had false contention in tenths of a percent.

Upgrade Locks False Contention: Number of upgrade locks in false contention.

Upgrade Locks Requests Per Minute: Number of upgrade lock requests per minute in hundredths.

Upgrade Locks True Cont Pct: Percentage of upgrade lock requests that had true contention in tenths of a percent.

Upgrade Locks True Contention: Number of upgrade locks in true contention.