Setting the Incumbent Supplier

An Incumbent supplier is a supplier that supplied the item in the last procurement cycle. You can specify incumbent suppliers in all types of auctions.

About this task

This feature is useful if you would like to compare bids made by the incumbent supplier with bids made by other suppliers. You may want to accept the bid of the incumbent supplier even if it is not the lowest bid.


To set the incumbent supplier, complete the following steps:

  1. Open the auction.
  2. Click Participants in the navigation area.
  3. On the Participants page, click Incumbents tab.
  4. Select the item for which you want to set an incumbent supplier.
  5. On the Add incumbent window, you can either enter the supplier's name in the Search suppliers field or search for the supplier's name.

    The selected supplier's name is displayed in the Incumbents to be added pane.

  6. Click Save.
  7. (Optionally), you can click Unlinked incumbentsto add unlinked incumbents.
  8. On the Unlinked incumbents window, select the supplier name in the Item pane or search the supplier from Search suppliers field.

    The selected supplier's name is displayed in the Incumbents to be added pane.

  9. Click Add.