What's new in version 0.40.0

The following new features and notable changes since version 0.39.0 are included in this release:

Features and changes

New -XX:codecachetotalMaxRAMPercentage option added

In environments with low physical memory availability, the VM might use too much memory for JIT code caches, leaving little memory for critical operations. With the -XX:codecachetotalMaxRAMPercentage option, you can set an upper limit for the total code cache size, where the upper limit is specified as a percentage of the physical memory the VM process is allowed to use.

For more information, see -XX:codecachetotalMaxRAMPercentage.

VM starts with a warning message after the container detection fails

If you mount the /proc file system with the hidepid=2 option on Linux® systems and the VM does not have root privileges, it cannot access the /proc file system. In previous releases, the VM exits when it encounters this scenario. From this release, the VM starts with a warning message after the container detection fails.

For more information, see the Cloud optimizations topic.

Support for persistent shared classes cache added on z/OS

Persistent shared caches are now supported on z/OS systems. The default cache type on z/OS is still non-persistent. You can use the -Xshareclasses:persistent option to switch to persistent shared cache.