Recommended: Preparing databases and secrets for your chosen capabilities by running a script

The script is provided in the cert-kubernetes archive of the CASE package to help you prepare for an installation of Cloud Pak for Business Automation. The script generates property files for the selected capabilities in your deployment and must be run before your deployment is installed.

Before you begin

Before you use the script to generate the property files, make sure that you review the requirements for the capabilities that you want to install together with your target database. This information is normally found in the preparing sections for each capability, where you can find the steps to manually create the databases. Consider your intended workload and the number of users that you want to access the services. For operational and performance reasons, it is important that network latency between the applications and the database server is as small as possible. For deployments that need to operate continuously with no interruptions in service, enable the databases for high availability (HA).

Tip: Run the script in the "property" mode to create the property files for your selected capabilities and database. Then, take a note of the properties in these files so that you can match up these values with the configuration of your database services.

The script uses the following utility tools and needs them to be installed on your client machine. If the script finds that any of these tools are missing on the client, it reports which tools are missing and provides a choice to install the tool.

  • kubectl (the version that matches your OpenShift cluster version)

    If you prepared your client machine for an online deployment, you already installed kubectl. For more information, see Preparing a client to connect to the cluster.

  • Java Runtime Environment (JRE 8.x is needed, and is installed by the script if it is not found)
    • Java
    • keytool

      To run keytool, you need to add it to your system PATH.

  • OpenSSL version 1.1.1 or higher

About this task

Instead of going through the many documented steps to create the databases and secrets for the capabilities in your Cloud Pak for Business Automation deployment, you can use the script to generate the SQL statement files (scripts) and YAML template files for the secrets.

The script has three modes.


The property mode supports the generation of property files for multiple database servers. The script uses a "DB_SERVER_LIST" key in the file to list the number of instances, and creates the user property files (,,, and You must review and modify these files to match your infrastructure. You must add values for the database server name, database names, database schema, LDAP server name, and LDAP attributes.

The generate mode uses the modified property files to generate the DB SQL statement file and the YAML template for the secret.
The validate mode checks whether the generated databases and the secrets are correct and ready to use in a CP4BA deployment.

After you downloaded the CASE package and extracted the cert-kubernetes archive, change directory to the scripts folder under ibm-cp-automation/inventory/cp4aOperatorSdk/files/deploy/crs/cert-kubernetes. For more information about downloading cert-kubernetes, see Preparing a client to connect to the cluster.

The script can be run from this location and has the following options:

Usage: -m [modetype]
  -h  Display help
  -m  The valid mode types are: [property], [generate], or [validate]
      STEP 1: Run the script in [property] mode. Creates property files (DB/LDAP property file) with default values (database name/user).
      STEP 2: Modify the DB/LDAP/user property files with your values.
      STEP 3: Run the script in [generate] mode. Generates the DB SQL statement files and YAML templates for the secrets based on the values in the property files.
      STEP 4: Create the databases and secrets by using the modified DB SQL statement files and YAML templates.
      STEP 5: Run the script in [validate] mode. Checks whether the databases and the secrets are created before you install CP4BA.

All three modes can be run on the same client machine, but you can also run the property and generate modes on different clients. If you want to use different clients, then copy the temporary property file from the property mode along with the output folder to the other client. Make a copy of the following files and put them into the downloaded cert-kubernetes folder on the other client:

Note: Some properties use an absolute path in their values. If you do copy the script to a different machine, make sure that the absolute paths are updated to match the location of the copied script.

The values of the following properties need to be modified after you copy the cp4ba-prerequisites folder to a different client.




If you ran the -m generate command on the original client, you must run the command again after you modified the property files to re-create the SSL secret templates with the updated absolute paths.


  1. Make sure that you downloaded the cert-kubernetes repository to a Linux® based machine (CentOS Stream/RHEL/MacOS) or a client to a Linux-based machine.
  2. Make sure that you are in the scripts folder under cert-kubernetes.
  3. Log in to the target cluster as the <cluster-admin> user.

    Using the OpenShift CLI:

    oc login https://<cluster-ip>:<port> -u <cluster-admin> -p <password>

    On ROKS, if you are not already logged in:

    oc login --token=<token> --server=https://<cluster-ip>:<port>
  4. Run the script in the "property" mode.
    ./ -m property
    Note: If the script detects that the client does not have the right versions of Java, kubectl, keytool, and OpenSSL installed, then it offers to install the missing tools for you. If you choose not to allow the script to install them, you must install the missing tools yourself before you run the script again.

    Follow the prompts in the command window to enter the required information.

    1. Select the Cloud Pak for Business Automation capabilities that you want to install.
      • If you previously installed another component that contains Business Automation Studio, and you select Workflow Process Service Authoring, then you can continue to use the same database that you already configured for Business Automation Studio.
      • If you select Workflow Process Service Authoring by itself, then you must select PostgreSQL as the database type.
      • If you select Workflow Process Service Authoring and Automation Document Processing, then you must select Db2 as the database type.
      • If you select Workflow Process Service Authoring and another component that contains Business Automation Studio, then you must select PostgreSQL as the database type.
      • If you select Workflow Process Service Authoring and ODM or FNCM or BAW runtime, then you must select PostgreSQL as the database type.
      Important: If you select "FileNet Content Manager" with no other capabilities, then the script assumes that the CP4BA FileNet Content Manager operator (ibm-content-operator) is used. The custom resource in this case sets the Kind parameter to Content instead of ICP4ACluster.
      Kind: Content

      When you generate the custom resource with the script, the custom resource file is named ibm_content_cr_final.yaml.

    2. Select the optional components that you want to include.
    3. Choose the LDAP type that you want to use for the CP4BA deployment.

      By default, the LDAP is SSL enabled. You can disable SSL for the LDAP when you edit the LDAP property file. The script shows the following message:

      [*] You can change the property "LDAP_SSL_ENABLED" in the property file "" later. "LDAP_SSL_ENABLED" is "TRUE" by default.
    4. Enter your dynamic storage classes for slow, medium, fast file storage (RWX).
    5. Enter a block storage class name (RWO).
    6. Choose the database type that you want to use for the CP4BA deployment.

      By default, the database is SSL enabled. You can disable SSL for the database when you edit the database property file. The script shows the following message:

      [*] You can change the property "DATABASE_SSL_ENABLE" in the property file "" later. "DATABASE_SSL_ENABLE" is "TRUE" by default.
      Restriction: If you want to use Oracle or another custom database (a database that is not in the list) for Operational Decision Manager, then you must follow the steps to manually create the database and the secret for the odm_configuration.externalCustomDatabase.datasourceRef custom resource configuration parameter. For more information, see Configuring a custom external database.
    7. Enter the alias names for all of the database servers to be used by the CP4BA deployment. For example, dbserver1,dbserver2 sets two database servers. The first server is named dbserver1 and the second server is named dbserver2.
      Note: The database server names cannot contain a dot (.) character.
    8. Enter the number of object stores of a FileNet P8 domain to configure for the CP4BA deployment.

    When the script is finished, the messages include a number of actions. Read the next actions carefully and make sure that you complete them all before you go to the next step.

    ============== Created all property files for CP4BA ==============
    Enter the <Required> values in the property files under <extracted_cert-kubernetes_archive>/cert-kubernetes/scripts/cp4ba-prerequisites/propertyfile
    [*] The values in the property files must be inside double quotes ("").
    [*] The values for the usernames and passwords in the file CANNOT include special characters. For example: "=" "." "\".
    [*] The values in the,, and files CANNOT include special characters. 

    The propertyfile directory has the following file structure:

    ├── cert
        ├── db
            └── <db_server_alias1>
            └── ...
        └── ldap
    Note: The db directory contains one or more db server alias names that you specified.
  5. You must then edit the property files as indicated by the NEXT ACTIONS messages from the script. Update the (,,,, and optionally with the values in your environment,
    1. Edit the global section in the file as well as the other sections for each capability that you selected.

      The global section contains license properties and the needed storage classes. The BAN section is also always included, and the users and groups must be from your LDAP.

      ## USER Property for CP4BA ##
      ## The script populates these three (3) parameters based on your input.
      ## If you manually deploy without using the script, then you must enter the different storage classes for the slow, medium,
      ## and fast storage parameters.  If you only have 1 storage class defined, then you can use that 1 storage class for all 3 parameters.
      ## The sc_block_storage_classname is for Zen. Zen requires block storage (RWO) for the metastoreDB.
      ## USER Property for BAN ##
      ## Provide the user name for BAN. For example: "BANAdmin"
      ## Provide the user password for BAN.
      ## Provide LTPA key password for BAN deployment.
      ## Provide keystore password for BAN deployment.
      ## Provide the user name for jMail used by BAN. For example: "jMailAdmin"
      ## Provide the user password for jMail used by BAN.

      Some values like a connection point name and table spaces for the Workflow object store initialization of Content can be any string, but are needed for the deployment to identify them.

    2. If you entered a single database server, then the DB_SERVER_NAME is set automatically. If you need more than one server, edit the <DB_SERVER_NAME> property prefixes in the file to assign each component to a database server name defined in the DB_SERVER_LIST key name in the file. The value of a <DB_SERVER_NAME> in the username property file must match a value that is defined in the DB_SERVER_LIST.

    3. Enter the required values for the LDAP variables in the file.

      Replace the <Required> string with your existing LDAP server parameters, its query objects, users, and groups.

      Important: If your target platform is ROKS Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), you can validate the connection to your LDAP only by using a VM client of the ROKS VPC. Set the LDAP server to the internal IP address or DNS of the ROKS VPC. For example, if the IP address of your LDAP is, then change the LDAP_SERVER property in the file to this address.
      ## The name of the LDAP server to connect

      If your client is not connected to the ROKS VPC, you can still set the IP address to propagate the value to the custom resource.

    4. All names and passwords in the file must be entered manually.

      Replace the <yourpassword> string with your database user passwords.

      Restriction: The username and password values cannot contain special characters. Special characters include the equal sign (=), a forward slash (/), a colon (:), a single dot (.), single quotation marks ('), and double quotation marks ("). If a value does contain a special character, the script fails to parse the value. If you want your password to start with a special character other than =,",/, :, and ', you need to add a backslash (\) before the special character for CP4BA to accept the password. For example, if you want the password to be &passw0rd, you must specify the password as \&passw0rd.
  6. When the user property files are complete and ready, run the script in the "generate" mode.
    ./ -m generate
    Note: If the script detects that the property files do not have custom values, the script stops and displays messages to help identify the missing values:
    Change the prefix "<DB_SERVER_NAME>" in propertyfile/ to assign which database is used by the component.
    Found invalid value(s) "<Required>" in property file "propertyfile/", please input the correct value.

    The following messages are displayed at the end of the execution:

    [INFO] The DB SQL statement files for CP4BA are in directory <extracted_cert-kubernetes_archive>/cert-kubernetes/scripts/cp4ba-prerequisites/dbscript, you can modify or use the default settings to create the database. (PLEASE DO NOT CHANGE DBNAME/DBUSER/DBPASSWORD DIRECTLY)
    Enter the correct values in the YAML templates for the secrets under <extracted_cert-kubernetes_archive>/cert-kubernetes/scripts/cp4ba-prerequisites/secret_template

    The /cp4ba-prerequisites directory has the following structure and varies depending on the capabilities that you selected when you ran the script:

    ├── dbscript
        ├── <component>
            ├── <database_type>
                ├── <db_server_alias>
                    └── <sql_template>
    ├── propertyfile
    ├── secret_template
        ├── <component>
            └── <yaml_secret> 
        └── ibm-ldap-bind-secret.yaml
  7. Check that you have all the necessary files for your CP4BA deployment. Copy the required database and LDAP certificates into the target directories as indicated by the NEXT ACTIONS messages from the script. Make sure that the scripts and the YAML files have the correct values.

    For more information, see Importing the certificate of an external service.

    Note: If you selected Operational Decision Manager, it is important to note that the chosen database tables are automatically created when the pods are started. Therefore, the createODMDB.sql script does not include these commands.
  8. When you are ready, you or a database administrator can then run the DB scripts against your database servers and use the YAML files to create the necessary secrets in your OpenShift Container Platform cluster.
    Remember: The target databases must meet the requirements of the capabilities that you want to install. Review the preparing sections for each capability before you go ahead and create the databases. For more information, see Preparing your chosen capabilities.

    Run the script to apply all the YAML template files that you generated.

  9. Optional: When all of the required databases and secrets are created, you can run the script again in the "validate" mode.
    ./ -m validate

    The command validates that the storage classes that you entered in the property mode meet the RWX and RWO requirements. If the validation is successful, it is marked as PASSED!

    The command also checks that all of the required secrets are found and submits a validation query to the LDAP server and the list of remote database servers. If the operation succeeds within the timeout threshold, the validation is marked as PASSED! No queries are run and no data is changed, the script just reports that the connection succeeded.

    If a connection is not successful, then a message informs you which connection failed. To resolve the issue, check the values in your property files so that you can correct them and try again.

    Note: The -m validate command uses a simple JDBC method to test the connection to the remote database servers with the Cloud Pak for Business Automation default JDBC drivers.

    If you need to use customized JDBC drivers in your production deployment, you can locate these drivers by using the sc_drivers_url parameter during the configuration of the custom resource. For more information, see Optional: Preparing customized versions of JDBC drivers and ICCSAP libraries.


Tip: You can change (add or remove) the selected CP4BA capabilities that you want to prepare for by rerunning the script and merging the new property files with the backed-up property files.

You can rerun the script in the "property" mode to create new property files. When the script detects it ran before, the previous property folder is renamed into a new time-stamped folder. The name of the backed-up folder is cert-kubernetes/scripts/cp4ba-prerequisites-backup/propertyfile_%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S.

Use the following steps to update your property files to include your updated capabilities:

  1. Copy the file .tmp/ into a back up file, for example
  2. Rerun the script in the "property" mode, and choose a different selection of capabilities.
  3. Restore the and files from the backup folder by copying and pasting them into the new folder.
  4. Compare the file from the backup folder and merge it where necessary with the new file.
  5. Merge the new and files with the backed-up property files.
  6. Rerun the script in the "generate" mode to update the database SQL statements and YAML templates for the secrets.
  7. Compare and merge the file with the .tmp/ file for the new capabilities.
  8. Run the database SQL statements for the new capabilities.
  9. Create the secrets for the new capabilities.

If you already installed a CP4BA deployment and want to update it with the new databases and secrets for the new capabilities, you must run the again to update the custom resource. Do not forget to verify the custom resource YAML before you scale down the deployment, apply the new custom resource with the --overwrite=true parameter, and scale the deployment back up. For more information, see Stopping your deployment and Applying the upgraded custom resource.

What to do next

The next task to complete depends on the capabilities that you selected for your deployment. You must prepare all of these capabilities and any dependencies. Go to the next task Optional: Preparing to monitor your containers or jump to the capability in the table of contents or from Preparing your chosen capabilities.

Remember: When you run the script from the location where you output the cp4ba-prerequisites folder, the custom resource is populated with the values that are defined in your prerequisite property files.