Targeting separate external databases

In your Operational Decision Manager deployment, you might want to configure two different databases for your Decision Center and Decision Server instances.

Instead of configuring a common database for Decision Center and Decision Server with the dc_odm_datasource parameter, you can specify two separate databases by using the parameters: dc_odm_decisioncenter_datasource and dc_odm_decisionserver_datasource under the datasource_configuration tag of the custom resource file.

In the following example, Decision Center is configured with a Db2 database and Decision Server with a Postgresql database.

    database_instance_secret: my-db2-secret
    database_name: testdbdc
    database_port: '50000'
    database_servername: db2dc.odm-restricted.svc.cluster.local
    database_type: db2
    ssl_enabled: true
    ssl_secret_name: odm-db-dc-ssl-secret
    database_instance_secret: my-postgres-secret
    database_name: testdbds
    database_port: '5432'
    database_servername: postgresqlds.odm-restricted.svc.cluster.local
    database_type: postgres
    ssl_enabled: true