Business process dashboards

The Process dashboard pages present graphs and charts, which display various statistics about your processes and tasks.

Important: Do not delete the predefined dashboards and their underlying widgets and searches, otherwise your dashboards will not work any more.

Kibana cloud visualizations allow you to filter out data, based on the process application and process instance status. Click a word of a tag cloud to filter the dashboard accordingly. You can then remove the filter by using the Kibana user interface at the top of the dashboard.

To create dashboards that reflect your business data, see Creating dashboards and The Hiring sample: A custom BPMN dashboard.

Opening dashboards and widgets

  1. To open Kibana, from the IBM® Cloud Private administration console, click Menu > Workloads > Helm releases.
  2. Search for the name that you entered for your release, for example bai.
  3. In the Helm release page, find the Kibana URL.
  4. To open a dashboard, in the Kibana window, click Dashboards, filter on meaningful words for the dashboard or widget that you want to display, and select it from the resulting list.
  5. To open a widget, in the Kibana window, click Visualize, filter on meaningful words for the widget that you want to display, and select it from the resulting list.

Workflow Processes dashboard

This dashboard offers insights into the state and evolution over time of process instances that are processed through IBM Business Automation Workflow. The dashboard displays widgets, which show statistics such as the status of process instances, the duration of process instances, and the load of your various process management systems.
Note: All widgets use the time range picker "", except for the number of process instances at risk.
Process applications
This widget displays a cloud of the process applications names of the BPMN summaries for which the timestamp field is within the Kibana selected time range. Clicking a process application name filters the entire dashboard to show only the data for the selected process application.
Process instance statuses
This widget displays a cloud of the process instance statuses of the BPMN summaries for which the timestamp field is within the Kibana selected time range. Clicking a process instance status filters the entire dashboard to show only the data for the selected process instance status.
Started process instances
This widget displays the number of process instances for which the startTime field is within the Kibana selected time range.
Completed process instances
This widget displays the number of process instances for which the completedTime field is within the Kibana selected time range.
Failed process instances
This widget displays the number of process instances for which the failedTime field is within the Kibana selected time range.
Process instances currently at risk
This widget displays the number of process instances that are in Active, Suspended, Resumed, or Migrated state and for which the atRiskDateAssignedTime field is set in the past. This widget does not depend on the Kibana selected time range.
Process instance statuses by application
This widget displays a bar graph in which each bar corresponds to a process application and the Y-axis is the number of process instances. Each bar is split based on the status of the process instances.
Process instance durations
This widget displays a line chart where the X-axis is the start time of process instances and the Y-axis is the average duration of the process instances.
Started process instances statistics
This widget is a Timelion graph, which displays a bar chart. The X-Axis shows the startTime field of process instances. The Y-axis shows the number of process instances. Each bar is split based on the process application names.
Completed process instances statistics
This widget is a Timelion graph, which displays a bar chart. The X-Axis shows the completedTime field of process instances. The Y-axis shows the number of process instances. Each bar is split based on the process application names.
Process instances by IBM Business Automation Workflow system
This widget displays a pie chart that shows how process instances are distributed across the IBM Business Automation Workflow systems that send events to IBM Business Automation Insights.
Average process duration by application
This widget is a horizontal bar chart, which displays the average duration (X-Axis) for each process application (Y-Axis). This chart is populated with the process summaries for which the timestamp field is within the Kibana selected time range.
Completed, terminated, deleted, suspended and failed process instances
This widget displays a line chart, which shows the timestamp field on the X-Axis and the number of process instances on the Y-Axis. Each line corresponds to one of the following statuses: Completed, Terminated, Deleted, Suspended, or Failed.

Workflow Process Tasks dashboard

This dashboard offers insights into the performance of individuals and teams who run process instances on IBM Business Automation Workflow. The dashboard displays widgets that show statistics such as the status of user tasks and their evolution over time, The workloads of teams or individuals, and pending workload.
Note: All widgets use the time range picker "", except for the number of user activities that are not completed and for the user activities that are waiting to be processed.
Process applications
This widget displays a cloud of the process applications names of the BPMN summaries for which the timestamp field is within the Kibana selected time range. Clicking a process application name filters the entire dashboard to show only the data for the selected process application.
Task statuses
This widget displays a cloud of the user task statuses of the BPBMN summaries for which the timestamp field is within the Kibana selected time range. Clicking a task status filters the entire dashboard to show only the data for the selected task status.
User activities that are currently not completed
This widget displays the number of activities that are in Created, Claimed, Active, or Unclaimed state. This widget does not depend on the Kibana selected time range.
User activities that were started in the selected time frame
This widget displays the number of user activities for which the startTime field is within the Kibana selected time range.
User activities that were completed in the selected time frame
This widget displays the number of user activities for which the completedTime field is within the Kibana selected time range.
User activities completed by team
This widget is a Timelion graph, which displays a bar chart. The X-Axis is the completedTime field of user activities. The Y-axis is the number of user activities. Each bar is split based on the teams that own the activities.
User activities started by team
This widget is a Timelion graph, which displays a bar chart. The X-Axis is the startTime field of user activities. The Y-axis is the number of user activities. Each bar is split based on the teams that own the activities.
User activities failed by team
This widget is a Timelion graph, which displays a bar chart. The X-Axis is the failedTime field of user activities. The Y-axis is the number of user activities. Each bar is split based on the teams that own the activities.
User activities not completed by performer
This widget is a 2-level pie chart that displays, for each performer who owns noncompleted user activities, the name and number of these activities.
Task statuses by team
This widget is a 3-level pie chart that displays the number of activities for each existing user task status, split by teams, and then split by individual user.
Users activities completed by performer split by process applications
This widget displays a pie chart for each process application name that holds user activities for which the completedTime field is within the Kibana selected time range. For each wedge of the pie chart, you can see who are the users who completed these user activities.
User activities that are currently waiting to be processed
This widget displays a Kibana saved search, which lists details about all the activities that are in Created, Claimed, Active, or Unclaimed state.