Preparing to install IBM Stewardship Center

Before you install IBM® Stewardship Center, you must complete these prerequisite steps.

About this task

IBM Stewardship Center can be used on the same databases that are supported by InfoSphere® MDM.


  1. Ensure that IBM Installation Manager is installed.
  2. Install and configure the latest release version of InfoSphere MDM.
    Do not install IBM Stewardship Center yet.
  3. Install and configure IBM Business Automation Workflow.
    IBM Business Automation Workflow is included with InfoSphere MDM. See the system requirements page for details.
  4. If you installed Business Automation Workflow 21.0.3 (required for InfoSphere MDM, apply the following fixes:
    Security fixes

    For details of Business Automation Workflow security issues and recommended fixes, see the IBM Support article Security vulnerabilities in log4j-1.x are reported for IBM Business Automation Workflow and related products.

    View visibility fix

    For details of the view visibility issue and to download the fix, see APAR JR64620 on IBM Fix Central.

    BPM Designer composite view fix

    For details of the composite view issue and the recommended fix, see the IBM Support article JR64886: CAN NOT SELECT TAB IN EDITOR WHEN NESTED IN A COMPOSITE VIEW.