IMS Tools and IMS-managed ACBs support

This topic provides the minimum maintenance required for IMS Tools to support IMS-managed ACBs. This includes a new product prerequisite of the no-charge IBM® IMS Tools Base for z/OS product for some of the Tools.

In this topic, the following abbreviations are used:
NA = Not Applicable
The product does not have function that is impacted by IMS-managed ACBs.
NS = Not Supported
The product does not support IMS-managed ACBs.
S = Supported
The product supports IMS-managed ACBs and any required PTFs are listed.
SP = Support Pending
The product does not yet support IMS-managed ACBs, but will in the future. This topic is updated when the PTFs are available.
Asterisk (*)
Indicates that the component or stand-alone product is also included as a component in one or more of the solution packs.
Support for IMS-managed ACBs means you can configure the product to either:
  • Use the IMS catalog and the IMS directory
The product listed uses the data source you specify in the product configuration.

The data is current as of 2 July 2024.

  • This list is for IMS Tools maintenance only, and does not include other IMS for z/OS® maintenance that might be required.
  • If a prior release of a product is not listed in the matrix, it does not support IMS-managed ACBs.
Table 1. IMS-managed ACBs support
IMS Tools VRM IMS-managed ACBs support Comments PTF numbers
Common Services Library 1.1.1 NA - -
DB/DC Data Dictionary 1.6.0 NA - -
IMS Tools Base 1.7.0 S If you require support in the Discovery Utility, contact Tracy Dean ( UI95112
Transaction Analysis Workbench 1.3.0 NA - -
1.2.0 NA - -
IMS Administration Tool* 1.1.0 S - -
IMS Application Development Facility II 2.2.0 NA - -
IMS Batch Terminal Simulator 4.1.0 S - UI33480
IMS Buffer Pool Analyzer 1.4.0 S - UI72873
IMS Cloning Tool 1.2.0 SP -
  • UI97466
  • Additional PTF will be required on the target system when using the option COPY-IF-NO-IMS-TARGET-DB(Y)
IMS Command Control Facility 2.2.0 NS Customers should install IMS Administration Tool. -
IMS Configuration Manager* 2.3.0 NA - -
IMS Connect Extensions* 3.1.0 NA - -
IMS Database Recovery Facility* - NA Supported only in IMS Recovery Solution Pack V2.1 -
IMS Database Recovery Facility Extended Functions* - NA Supported only in IMS Recovery Solution Pack V2.1 -
IMS Database Reorganization Expert* 4.1.0 S -
  • UI59001
  • UI65775
  • UI60438
  • UI91728
  • IBM IMS Tools Base for z/OS 1.7 (5655-V93)
IMS Database Repair Facility (component of IMS HP Pointer Checker and IMS Fast Path Solution Pack) - S No PTF required for batch mode. PTF listed is required for interactive mode. UI81367
IMS Database Solution Pack 2.2.0 NA PTFs required only for stand-alone products in the pack -
IMS Database Utility Solution 2.1.0 NA PTFs required only for stand-alone products in the pack -
IMS DEDB Fast Recovery 2.2.0 S -
  • UI54652
  • UI61844
IMS Extended Terminal Option Support* 3.2.0 NA - -
IMS Fast Path Solution Pack 2.1.0 S
  • Fast Path Online Tools
  • Online Space Management utility
  • Fast Path Advanced Tool
  • Fast Path Basic Tools - Unload, Reload, Pointer Checker
  • Online Structure Change utility
  • DEDB Reload Segment Data Set Create utility (FABCUR6)
  • DEDB Unloaded Segment Data Set Retrieve Utility (FABCUR7)
  • DEDB randomizing module interface module (FABCRMIF and FABDRMIF)
Do not yet support MDA CATDSHLQ
S HPFPU Hash Check support and DB Sensor support for IMS HP Image Copy UI90297
HPFPU Hash Check support for IMS Database Recovery Facility

PTFs also required for stand-alone products in the pack

  • SDEP Space Utilization utility
  • DEDB/HD Unload Conversion utility (FABCUR9)
  • Standard format extract data interface module (FPXGXDR0)
  • Fast Path Basic Tools - DEDB Tuning Aid
  • Database Definition Record Create utility (FABCUR5)
  • HD to DEDB Unload Data Set Conversion utility (FABCUR8)
If you use these utilities, contact Tracy Dean (
IMS High Availability Large Database (HALDB) Toolkit* - S Supported only as part of IMS Database Solution Pack 2.2 and IMS Database Utility Solution 2.1
  • UI65518
  • UI70153
  • UI82090
  • IBM IMS Tools Base for z/OS 1.7 (5655-V93)
IMS High Performance Change Accumulation* - S Supported only in IMS Recovery Solution Pack V2.1 -
IMS High Performance Image Copy* 4.2.0 S Support for image copy function
  • UI77371
  • IBM IMS Tools Base for z/OS 1.7 (5655-V93)
Support in IMS Database Reorganization Expert UI60808
Support for HASH Check and SENSOR options of full-function databases UI82150
Support for HASH Check and SENSOR options of DEDBs UI90313
IMS High Performance Load* 2.1.0 S -
  • UI50633
  • UI60558
  • UI66183
  • IBM IMS Tools Base for z/OS 1.7 (5655-V93)
IMS High Performance Pointer Checker* 3.1.0 S -
  • UI25200
  • UI53526
  • UI57993
  • UI60579
  • UI65776
  • UI82122
  • UI91151
  • IBM IMS Tools Base for z/OS 1.7 (5655-V93)

Additional PTFs will be required for use with IMS Database Recovery Facility

IMS High Performance Prefix Resolution* 3.1.0 S -
  • UI56918
  • UI60581
  • IBM IMS Tools Base for z/OS 1.7 (5655-V93)
IMS High Performance System Generation Tools 2.4.0* S - -
IMS High Performance Unload* 1.2.0 S -
  • UI50473
  • UI60878
IMS Index Builder* 3.1.0 S -
  • UI50475
  • UI60434
  • IBM IMS Tools Base for z/OS 1.7 (5655-V93)
IMS Library Integrity Utilities* 2.2.0 S -
  • UI19592
  • UI50560
  • UI56092
  • UI58880
  • UK78428
  • UI63866
  • UI70303
  • IBM IMS Tools Base for z/OS 1.7 (5655-V93)
IMS Network Compression Facility 1.2.0 NA - -
IMS Online Reorganization Facility* - S Supported only in IMS Database Solution Pack 2.2 UI66197
IMS Performance Analyzer* 4.5.0 NA - -
IMS Performance Solution Pack 2.3.0 NA - -
IMS Problem Investigator* 2.5.0 NA - -
IMS Program Restart Facility 2.2.0 NA - -
IMS Queue Control Facility* 3.2.0 NA - -
IMS Recovery Expert* - S - UI57820
IMS Recovery Solution Pack 2.1.0 SP Support for Database Recovery Facility without auxiliary utilities UI77162
Support for Database Recovery Facility with IMS HP Image Copy, IMS Index Builder, and IMS Fast Path Advanced Build Index functions UI93704
Support for Database Recovery Facility with IMS Fast Path Solution Pack Hash Check function UI94990
Support for High Performance Change Accumulation UI95678
PTFs also required for stand-alone products in the pack Additional PTFs forthcoming
IMS Sequential Randomizer Generator 1.1.0 NA - -
IMS Sysplex Manager* 1.3.0 NA - -
IMS Transaction Manager Solution Pack 1.1.0 NA PTFs required only for stand-alone products in the pack -
IMS Workload Router 2.7.0 NA - -
Note 1: The IMS Database Repair Facility function in IMS HP Pointer Checker and IMS Fast Path Solution Pack is listed as a separate entry in the table. Verify you have the additional PTF required for this component.