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Identifies the size of the range around each latency threshold setting.

Based on latency threshold settings defined in Management Console, InfoSphere® CDC generates a latency message when latency rises above or falls below a threshold. InfoSphere CDC calculates latency at every COMMIT.

Note: InfoSphere CDC issues a COMMIT when it receives a COMMIT from the source, or when it receives a Report Position Message.

You can configure notifications in Management Console in response to a generated latency message.

This system parameter, which is expressed as a percentage, lets you pad a threshold equally on both sides to create a range around the threshold. By adjusting this system parameter, you can increase or decrease the range around the threshold, and make the threshold itself larger or smaller. InfoSphere CDC only generates a latency message when latency rises above the upper limit of the range or falls below the lower limit of the range. By changing the value assigned to this system parameter, you can control the number of latency messages placed in the event log.

For example, assume that a latency threshold has been set in Management Console for 5 minutes and you have set this system parameter to 10. In this scenario, InfoSphere CDC applies a 10% range around the 5 minute threshold and performs the following calculations to determine the lower and upper limits (in minutes) of the range around the threshold:

Padding equals 10% of 5 minutes equals 0.5 minutes (rounded up to 1 minute)

Padding is rounded up or down to the nearest whole minute.

Upper limit of range equals 5 minutes plus 1 minute (padding) equals 6 minutes

Lower limit of range equals 5 minutes minus 1 minute (padding) equals 4 minutes

As a result, InfoSphere CDC generates a latency message only when latency rises above 6 minutes or falls below 4 minutes.

Latency is calculated every minute over a ten minute duration. Based on these calculations, InfoSphere CDC generates three latency messages.

Latency Message Generation—10% Setting

Latency message generation graph (10% setting)

Based on the above figure, if you set this system parameter to 0 (the default setting), then InfoSphere CDC does not apply padding to the latency threshold. InfoSphere CDC generates a latency message each time latency crosses over the threshold of 5 minutes. Because latency is calculated every minute in the figure above, InfoSphere CDC generates 5 latency messages when you set this system parameter to 0.

Latency Message Generation—0% Setting

Latency message generation graph (0% setting)

If the number of latency messages generated over the ten minute period for the 10% (3 latency messages) and 0% (5 latency messages) settings are averages, an additional 288 latency messages are generated each day if this system parameter is not changed from its default setting to 10%.

Since there are two latency threshold settings in Management Console (a warning threshold and a problem threshold), two separate ranges are defined when padding is at least one minute. In this case, each range is attached to its threshold, and the two ranges can overlap with no change in behavior.

If a value smaller than the minimum setting or larger than the maximum setting is specified, the default setting is used.

This keyword is optional.

Default Setting—0%

Minimum Setting—0%

Maximum Setting—100%