Accessing policies remotely using the REST API

The REST API allows you to access and run policies over a REST interface.

Users must possess the impactAdminUser role to access the REST interface.

Executing a policy

To execute a policy without any parameters, send a GET request:

curl -u <USERNAME>:<PASSWORD> -k https://<HOST>:<PORT>/restui/policyui/policy/<POLICY>/run

Where the following definitions apply:

USERNAME is the name of the Impact user.

PASSWORD is the Impact user's password.

HOST is the hostname or IP address of the Impact server.

PORT is the backend port for the Impact server.

POLICY is the name of the policy to run.


curl -u impactadmin:password -k https://impacthost:9081/restui/policyui/policy/TestPolicy1/run

If the request succeeded, the following message is returned:

Successfully executed the Policy: TestPolicy1

Execute a policy with output parameters

To execute a policy that returns a response, send a GET request:

curl -u <USERNAME>:<PASSWORD> -k https://<HOST>:<PORT>/restui/policyui/policy/<POLICY>/runwithoutput

The policy must be configured with one or more output parameters otherwise no response is returned.

See Configuring policy parameters and enabling actions


curl -u impactadmin:password -k https://impacthost:9081/restui/policyui/policy/TestPolicy2/runwithoutput

If the request succeeded, a JSON string is returned with the following policy context and output parameters:

{"ReportsPolicyName":{"items":[{"ReportsPolicyName":"TestPolicy2"}]},"PolicyName":{"items":[{"PolicyName":"TestPolicy2"}]},"ActionNodeName":{"items":[{"ActionNodeName":"TestPolicy2"}]},"OUTVAR":{"items":[{"OUTVAR":"Some Text"}]}}

Execute a policy with input and output parameters

To execute a policy that accepts input and returns output, send a POST request:

curl -u <USERNAME>:<PASSWORD> -X POST -k https://<HOST>:<PORT>/restui/policyui/policy/<POLICY>/runwithinputparameters -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8"

The policy must be configured with input and output parameters.

See Configuring policy parameters and enabling actions

Note: The POST request must declare a JSON content type header ("Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8") otherwise the request is ignored.


curl -u impactadmin:password -X POST -d '{"STRING1":"test","NUM1":123}' -k https://impacthost:9081/restui/policyui/policy/TestPolicy3/runwithinputparameters -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8"

If the request succeeded, a JSON string is returned with the following policy context and output variables:

{"ReportsPolicyName":{"items":[{"ReportsPolicyName":"TestPolicy3"}]},"STRING1":{"items":[{"STRING1":"test"}]},"PolicyName":{"items":[{"PolicyName":"TestPolicy3"}]},"ActionNodeName":{"items":[{"ActionNodeName":"TestPolicy3"}]},"OUTVAR":{"items":[{"OUTVAR":"Some result"}]},"NUM1":{"items":[{"NUM1":"123"}]}}

Retrieving a policy

To retrieve the text of a policy, send a GET request:

curl -u <USERNAME>:<PASSWORD> -k https://<HOST>:<PORT>/restui/policyui/policy/<POLICY>/load


curl -u impactadmin:password -k https://impacthost:9081/restui/policyui/policy/TestPolicy3/load

If the request succeeded, a JSON string with a copy of the policy text is returned. The policy text will be in Java string format and special characters such as newlines, double quotes and slashes will be escaped.


Listing all polices

To list all the policies in the Impact server, send a GET request to /restui/policyui/policy/list

curl -u <USERNAME>:<PASSWORD> -k https://<HOST>:<PORT>/restui/policyui/policy/list


curl -u impactadmin:password -k https://impacthost:9081/restui/policyui/policy/list

If the request succeeded, a JSON string with an array of the policy names is returned.

{"identifier":"name","label":"name","items":[ {"name":"DefaultExceptionHandler"},  
{"name":"DefaultPolicyActivatorExample"},  {"name":"DeployProject"},  
{"name":"DiscreteOidSetTest"},  {"name":"DiscreteOidTest"}, ..... ]}