Handling annotations by using API URLs
Before you begin
- If the authentication and authorization feature is enabled with the Authentication Server (DEX) installed and configured, the passwordConnector parameter must be added in the dex.yaml file. Also, a security token is needed. For more information, see step 1.4 in topic STEP 4. Configuring Authentication Server (DEX).
- If OrientDB SSL is enabled, add the following properties in file <IBM ADDI
Installation Folder>/IBM AD Web Services/wlp/usr/servers/ad_server/jvm.options:
- The path of the OrientDB certificates.
- The passwords of the certificates.
Example-Dclient.ssl.enabled=true -Dclient.ssl.keyStore=C:\certificates\orientdb.ks -Dclient.ssl.keyStorePass=password -Dclient.ssl.trustStore=C:\certificates\orientdb.ks -Dclient.ssl.trustStorePass=password
Note: You can enter an encrypted Keystore Password. For more information, see Obtaining an encrypted keystore password.After the file is edited and saved, restart IBM® Application Discovery WebSphere® Liberty Profile Service.
About this task
The annotation web service runs on the Liberty server. After the annotation REST API is enabled, you can run requests to handle annotations by using URLs with other tools, for example, Postman. For more information about handling annotations in IBM AD Analyze Client, see section Handling Annotations.
Create annotations operation: successful
Update annotations operation: successful
Delete annotations operation: successful
The following example shows the response to a get request:
"annotations_key_1": "annotations_value_1",
"annotations_key_2": "annotations_value_2",
"annotations_key_3": "annotations_value_3",
"annotations_key_4": "annotations_value_4"