Collection of execution data by using SMF type 120 subtype 100 records

The System Management Facility (SMF) collects execution data such as the number of decisions that are executed by your application at run time.

The SMF records are written by the rule execution environment, which can be zRule Execution Server for z/OS®, a CICS® rule-owning region, or Rule Execution Server on WebSphere® Application Server for z/OS.

The following diagram shows the sequence of data that results in execution data collection.

Execution data collection (SMF)

The SMF type 120 subtype 100 records are written to SMF by using the global SMF properties INTVAL and SYNCVAL. If these values are changed while the execution environment is active, it does not use the new values immediately. Instead, the new values will be adopted when the next SMF record is written by the execution environment.

The execution data collection function does not currently support the use of SUBSYS with the value STC or the field INTERVAL in the SMF parameters.