When you disable and then re-enable replication, you need to update the external port
numbers in the replication metadata.
About this task
This procedure uses a script to update the port numbers for the external REST server, IBM® MQ for the capture process, and MQ for the apply process.
Note: If you are not using an haproxy configuration, you do not need to run the
qrep-expose-nodeports.sh script that is described in this procedure.
- Find the external port numbers for the target replication
oc get svc|grep db2u-1640057971423353-qrep
c-db2u-1640057971423353-qrep-mq-svc NodePort <none> 1414:30415/TCP,1415:32475/TCP 48s
c-db2u-1640057971423353-qrep-rest-svc NodePort <none> 9444:31452/TCP
this case, the numbers are 31452 for the REST server port, 30415 for the capture MQ port, and 32475
for the apply MQ port.
- Get the external Db2 TLS
port number for example pod
oc get svc | grep engn | grep db2u-1640057971423353
c-db2u-1640057971423353-db2u-engn-svc NodePort <none> 50000:32584/TCP,50001:30689/TCP
- Exec into the target replication pod:
oc get pod|grep db2-1640057971423353-qrep
c-db2u-1640057971423353-qrep-7878599d84-bl5qv 1/1 Running 0 72m
oc exec -it c-db2u-1640057971423353-qrep-7878599d84-bl5qv bash
- Run the bludr-change-ports.sh script, using the numbers from Step 2
for the REST port (
), capture port (-cp
), apply port
), and db2
port (-dp). The script file is inside the qrep
container at /opt/ibm/bludr/scripts/bin.
./bludr-change-ports.sh -rt target -rd target -rp 31452 -cp 30415 -ap 32475 -dp 30689 -sa source-db-alias -ta target-db-alias
- On the corresponding source replication pod, run the
bludr-change-ports.sh script, this time specifying
./bludr-change-ports.sh -rt target -rd source -rp 30939 -cp 31703 -ap 31953 -dp 30689 -sa source-db-alias -ta target-db-alias
- On both the source and target pods, run the bludr-restart.sh script
to restart replication: