Deleting test assets
For example, if you delete a datapool, the Remove references to test asset name in other test assets option lets you delete the datapool from all the test assets that uses it.
If you delete a test, the Delete files that are referenced only by test asset name option lets you delete all the test assets such as recsession and datapool that are referenced only by the test that you are deleting. If the datapool is used by another test too, it will not be deleted. The Preview button lets you see the assets that are referenced by the test.
Deleted asset | Effect on other assets |
Project | You are prompted whether to delete the project contents. If you click Yes, the contents are physically deleted. If you click No, you will not see the contents in the Test Navigator, but the project remains in your workspace, which is, by default, C:\Documents and Settings\username\IBM\rationalsdpn.n/workspace). |
Schedule | Deleting a schedule has no effect on other assets. |
Test | If you delete the test in the Test Navigator, the test is
physically deleted. If you open a schedule and delete a test, the test is deleted from the schedule, but the test remains available as a test asset. |
Custom code | If you delete the custom code class (.java file), then the
reference to the class in the custom code action of the test will
not work. Typically you delete the custom code class from the Resource
perspective or the Java™ perspective. If you delete the name of the custom code class that implements the custom code action, the deletion does not change the corresponding .java file. |
Datapool | If you delete a datapool in the Test Navigator, the datapool
is physically deleted. When you open a test that uses the datapool,
you are prompted to take one of these actions:
If you open a test and delete the datapool from the Common Options tab, only the reference to the datapool is deleted. |
Location | You are not asked to confirm the deletion, nor are you warned if a user group uses the location. The user group is marked with a red X when you open the schedule that contains it. |
Results | You are asked to confirm the deletion, and the results are physically deleted. |