What's new

To find out what is new in OMEGAMON® AI for JVM, 6.1.0, see the following sections:

Fix Pack 1, PTF UJ95226, May 2024

HTTP Request and Response Headers for z/OS Connect Requester APIs
Users can now define up to four request headers and four response headers to be collected for z/OS Connect API Requesters as well as Providers. The specified header names and values will appear in the API Requesters detail workspaces in the TEP and the e3270UI.
Request and error rates for z/OS Connect Provider and Requester APIs
The z/OS Connect API summary workspaces will now include maximum and average request rates and maximum and average error rates expressed as arrival rates per second.
Total Exclusive Access GC Pause Time
Garbage collection analysis has been refined such that GC pause time reflects the entire time application threads are suspended.
Number of processors (GCPs, zIIPs, and SMT value) on CPU workspace
The CPU workspaces in TEP and e3270UI now include the number of General CPUs, the number of zIIP processors and the Simultaneous Multi-Threading value for the zIIP processors.
z/OS Connect feature version field
z/OS Connect servers are able to host either Open API V3 or Open API V2 APIs, but not both simultaneously. A new attribute in the z/OS Connect API tables indicates which version of APIs the server is hosting. This information can be found in TEP and e3270UI workspaces.
GC Threads Count field
Garbage collection workspaces in TEP and e3270UI now display the current number of GC threads, which can be useful for limiting the number of GC threads to match the number of zIIP processors, if desired.
Timespan dialog to Requester Enterprise Overview
You can now specify date and time ranges for the z/OS Connect API Requester Enterprise overview in the e3270UI.

PTF UJ94007, October 2023

z/OS Connect OpenApi Specification 3.0 (OpenAPI 3) Support
IBM® Z OMEGAMON AI for JVM, 6.1.0 now supports monitoring of OpenApi Specification 3.0 (OpenAPI 3.0) APIs. The interceptor definition in server.xml must be updated to enable this support. See Configuring Monitoring for z/OS Connect OpenAPI V3.0 APIs for more information.


The following new features and options are included in IBM Z OMEGAMON AI for JVM, 6.1.0:

Support for IBM Z OMEGAMON AI Insights
IBM Z OMEGAMON AI for JVM is now bundled with IBM Z OMEGAMON AI Insights, a diagnostic tool designed specifically to analyze key performance indicators of your Java Virtual Machine (JVM) applications. OMEGAMON AI Insights mobilizes the power of artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques to provide in-depth analysis of the behavior of your JVM. The tool identifies and analyzes JVM-related issues, such as excess garbage collection, and drills down into the root causes contributing to the anomalies.
Garbage collection rates vary depending on the application workload, which in turn may depend on the time of day, the day of the week, or even the time of the month and year. This seasonality means there is no single threshold for garbage collection rate that can be used to identify an anomaly. Once the model is trained on a nominally well-tuned JVM, OMEGAMON AI Insights will alert you when garbage collection rates fall outside the predicted range for that time of day, week, or year.
Timely alerts
OMEGAMON AI Insights is equipped to generate alerts and send timely warning messages ensuring proactive action.
Enhanced performance monitoring
OMEGAMON AI Insights enhances JVM monitoring capabilities. The integration of artificial intelligence and advanced analytics unlocks the information contained in the data available with OMEGAMON AI. Historical data is used to build and update forecast models. OMEGAMON AI Insights analyzes the seasonality of chosen metrics and provides prediction models that will help identify behavioral anomalies. Once trained, OMEGAMON AI Insights becomes proficient at identifying typical patterns. These discerned patterns are then presented through visually appealing dashboards on Elastic Kibana. You can easily detect abnormal behavior and promptly troubleshoot by drilling down into specifics.
For more information about OMEGAMON AI Insights, see OMEGAMON AI Insights documentation.
Java heap monitoring enhancements
This release brings further enhancements to Java heap monitoring with new attributes:
  • Heap occupancy after global GCs
  • Committed heap size
  • Heap size limit
  • CPU consumed by GC
Support for z/OS 3.1
IBM Z OMEGAMON AI for JVM, formerly IBM Z OMEGAMON for JVM, supports z/OS 3.1.

IBM Z OMEGAMON Data Provider and IBM Z OMEGAMON AI Insights usage
IBM Z OMEGAMON Data Provider and IBM Z OMEGAMON AI Insights usage is restricted to only processing the data originating from the IBM products and IBM suites that include these products. To use IBM Z OMEGAMON Data Provider and IBM Z OMEGAMON AI Insights you must be licensed for an authorized product (IBM Z OMEGAMON AI for z/OS 6.1, IBM Z OMEGAMON AI for Networks 6.1, or IBM Z OMEGAMON AI for JVM 6.1) or for a suite (IBM Z Service Management Suite, IBM Z Monitoring Suite, or IBM zSystems Integration for Observability Suite). A single installation of IBM Z OMEGAMON Data Provider can be used for multiple authorized standalone products and for data from all IBM Z OMEGAMON Agents included in the suites.
IBM Z OMEGAMON Data Provider included with the products (IBM Z OMEGAMON AI for z/OS 6.1, IBM Z OMEGAMON AI for Networks 6.1, or IBM Z OMEGAMON AI for JVM) usage is restricted to data being used by IBM Z OMEGAMON AI Insights. Customers that would like to use IBM Z OMEGAMON Data Provider to send data to additional consumers such as Splunk or IBM Instana can obtain usage entitlement via one of the suites that include IBM Z OMEGAMON Integration Monitor. Which are: IBM Z Service Management Suite (IZSMS), IBM Z Monitoring Suite (IZMS), or the new IBM zSystems Integration for Observability Suite (IZIO).