Cost vs Budget

Cost vs Budget

Use the Cost vs Budget interactive chart to compare your budget to your costs, view trends, and forecast costs.

cost versus budget

These charts are useful for monitoring trends, such as increasing costs for resources (such as storage or a database) and cost variances. The red dot indicates that the cost has exceeded the budget.

Selecting the current month displays forecast, budget, and month-to-date costs. The forecasted cost is based on the last fully completed month. Users can select the current month and see the cost line items for month-to-date details, costs, and associated asset details in the Invoice Items list.

Viewing Data for a Specific Month

To view data for a specific month:

  1. Click in the chart to select the month. All of the other graphs on the screen display the data for the selected period.


    The graph displays 14 months of data and consists of the last completed full month and 12 previous months of historic data with forecast data. By default, the system selects the last completed full month.

  2. Click to select a specific month to view more information.

Cost vs Budget Legend
