Test Client Events tab

You can use the Events tab in the Test Client to edit the properties and content of your test messages. You also view test events in the Events tab when you run the test.


Use the Events tab to edit and send the test messages, and to monitor the results of the test.

Message Flow Test Events

The Message Flow Test Events section of the Events tab displays the status and history of the test execution:
Invoke Message Flow
The Invoke Message Flow event starts the selected message flow. The message flow selection is defined by the selected message flow input node. Invoke Message Flow can also be the start of a new test execution with an empty test message. You can enter the message content and start the execution.
The Starting event indicates the beginning of the test execution.
Sending Message
The Sending Message event indicates that the message is being sent.
The Enqueue event indicates that the current message has been queued on an existing WebSphere® MQ queue. Put a message to the specified queue manager, queue, port, and host name as defined in the Detailed Properties section. For more information, see Enqueue.
The Dequeue event indicates that the current message has been dequeued from an existing WebSphere MQ queue. Click Get Message from the specified queue manager, queue, port and host name as defined in the Detailed Properties section. For more information, see Dequeue.
The Monitor event indicates the message was received on an output node monitor.
The Stopped event indicates that the test execution has been stopped. The test execution can be stopped either by the Test Client or by the user.
The Exception event indicates when errors are encountered during the test. A message is displayed in the Exception message box on the right of the page and the message flow execution errors are logged in the Windows Event Viewer application log. To view the Windows Event Viewer application log, click Event Viewer.
Exception Trace
An Exception Trace event occurs when errors are encountered during test and Trace has been selected. Trace details are displayed in the Exception Trace panel on the right of the page.

Events tab actions

The following actions can be initiated on the Events tab, by right-clicking in Message Flow Test Events:

Reruns the current message. To clone and rerun a previously started test message, right-click the message flow and click Re-run.
Duplicates the current message. To duplicate a previously started test message, right-click the message flow and click Duplicate.
Restarts the current message. To restart a previously started test message, right-click the message flow and click Invoke.

Buttons on the Events tab

Several buttons are provided on the upper right of the Events tab:
Starts a new Invoke Message Flow event where you can enter a request message and start the test execution.
Puts the message to the specified queue manager, queue, port, and host name as defined in the Detailed Properties section on the right of the page.
Gets the message from the specified queue manager, queue, port, and host name as defined in the Detailed Properties section on the right of the page.
Saved Messages
Displays the Data Pool editor in which you can select values that you have used in a previous test session. You can use the Data Pool editor to save or retrieve values for use during tests. When you use the Data Pool editor to save or retrieve values, the values are saved to, or retrieved from, a global data pool in your workspace. By selecting Saved Messages, you ensure that you are always working with the same set of values regardless of how many Test Client instances or test configurations you are using in your tests.
Stops the current test.
Show Event Viewer
Displays the Event Viewer if the operating system is Windows.
Show Console
The Integration Runtime Console view opens. This view shows more details of the test run.

Detailed Properties

The Detailed Properties section varies according to the different events that you have selected in the Message Flow Test Events pane. The Detailed Properties section displays details of the current event type. The default details are:
  • Message Flow. The name of the message flow that is being tested.
  • Input node. The input node to which the test message is being sent.
The Message section either displays the test message or the output message from a test event. If you are creating a new test message, you can select either the XML Structure editor or the Source editor to edit the test message. The XML Structure editor is available only if the input node that is selected on the message flow is expecting an XML message, and an existing message definition is associated with the message flow.
Select the header to use for your test message if your message flow uses a WebSphere MQ or JMS input node.
SOAP operation
Select the SOAP operation to use for your test message if your message flow uses a SOAP input node.
Select the appropriate editor to view or edit your test message or output message from the following editors:
XML Structure editor

Use the XML Structure editor to view and edit an XML test message derived from an associated message definition. You can change the content of the message by editing the entries in the Values column. Right-click to display a menu with options to change the content of the XML structure, including adding and removing elements. To view the generated source code, click Show Generated Source. Click Saved messages to display a list of saved error messages.

Source editor
Use the Source editor to compose and send test messages if you want to import a test message, or if the test message is not in XML format. To import a test message from a file, click Import Source.
Source tab
Edit the test message as plain text using the Source tab.
XML Source tab
Edit the test message in an XML editor using the XML Source tab.
Hexadecimal (read only) tab
View the test message in hexadecimal format by using the Hexadecimal (Read Only) tab.