Abstract for Language Environment Writing Interlanguage Communication Applications
Purpose of this information
- Manage the runtime environment for applications generated with a Language Environment-conforming compiler.
- Write applications that use the Language Environment callable services.
- Develop interlanguage communication applications.
- Customize Language Environment.
- Debug problems in applications that run with Language Environment.
- Migrate your high-level language applications to Language Environment.
Who should read this information?
This information is intended for application programmers and developers who create and run interlanguage communication (ILC) applications under the z/OS® IBM® Language Environment product.
Language Environment improves ILC between conforming high-level languages (HLLs) because it creates one common runtime environment and it defines data types and constructs that are equivalent across languages.
Related information
For application programming, you will need to use this book and z/OS Language Environment Programming Reference. This book contains information about binding, running, and using services within the Language Environment environment, the Language Environment program model, and language- and operating system-specific information, where applicable. z/OS Language Environment Programming Reference contains more detailed information, as well as specific syntax for using runtime options and callable services.