Modify, View, Copy, and Add FTP Server pages

You can use the Modify, View, Copy, and Add FTP Server pages to modify, view, or copy existing server definitions and to add new server definitions.

For a description of the items displayed on the Modify, View, Copy, and Add FTP Server pages, see Table 1.

For more information about server definitions, see help topic Enabling data and file transfer between systems.

Table 1. Items on the Modify, View, Copy, and Add FTP Server pages
Item Description
FTP server name Name of the server definition. It can contain up to 40 characters, including alphanumeric characters (A-Z, a-z, and 0-9), blanks, underscores (_), and hyphens (-). The name is required, must be unique, and is case sensitive. For example, DEST1 and Dest1 are two different server definitions.
Host Host name or IP address (IPv4 or IPv6) of the FTP or SFTP server on the system. It can contain up to 63 characters. The host name or IP address is required.
Path name Directory in which z/OSMF is to place the files on the system. It can contain up to 730 characters. The path name is required. The path name is not case sensitive; for example, /toibm/mvs and /TOIBM/MVS are the same path name. By default, the path is the root directory, which is represented by a forward slash (/).

The path name is used by the Incident Log task only. It is ignored by other z/OSMF tasks.

Port number Port number of the FTP or SFTP server on the system. It can be an integer from 1 through 65535. The port number is optional. If this field is blank, the default FTP or SFTP server port defined for the installation is used.
FTP profile Select the profile that specifies the FTP or SFTP settings to use when transferring files to the FTP or SFTP server. Select one of the following options:
  • Use the default profile. Currently, the default FTP or SFTP profile is profile-name. Select this option to always use the profile that is identified as the default FTP or SFTP profile in the FTP Profiles table. The name of the profile that is currently the default FTP or SFTP profile is provided.
  • Use the selected profile. Select this option to specify the FTP or SFTP profile to use. Then, select a profile from the list, or click Select and select a profile from the table. If the transfer method for the server is FTP or z/OS® Problem Documentation Upload Utility (PDUU), this field lists the profiles that have the type FTP only. Otherwise, this field lists the profiles that have the type SFTP.

    If no FTP or SFTP settings are required for z/OSMF to complete a file transfer, select No Firewall or Proxy for an FTP server or No SSH Proxy Command for an SFTP server.

Use anonymous user ID and password Indicator of whether you can use anonymous as the user ID when logging into the server. Select this option if you can use anonymous as the user ID. Otherwise, do not select it.

The anonymous user ID is used by the Incident Log task only. This value is ignored by other z/OSMF tasks.

Description Description or purpose of the server. For example, Use this FTP server for database problems. The description can contain up to 100 characters. The description is optional.
Transfer method Method z/OSMF uses to send files to the server. Select one of the following options:
  • FTP. z/OSMF sends the files unencrypted using standard FTP. This option is selected by default.
  • SFTP. z/OSMF sends the files over an encrypted SSH transport using OpenSSH based secure FTP (SFTP).
  • z/OS Problem Documentation Upload Utility (PDUU). z/OSMF splits the files into smaller data sets that are compressed, optionally encrypts the data sets, and sends the data sets in parallel to an IBM FTP site using multiple, simultaneous FTP sessions. The utility does not support UNIX files; therefore, z/OSMF always sends UNIX files unencrypted using standard FTP.
    If you select PDUU, ensure that the following requirements are satisfied:
    • The IP address or host name specified in the Host field must be an IBM FTP site. Other FTP servers might not be able to decrypt, reassemble, or read the files.
    • The number of characters in the Host and Port number fields combined must not exceed 255 characters.
    • The Path name field must contain 31 or fewer characters.

    For more information about PDUU, see help topic Using z/OSMF to invoke the z/OS Problem Documentation Upload Utility.

Client utility path Path to the SFTP client utility that z/OSMF will use when transferring files to the server. The path must be fully qualified and can contain a maximum of 1023 characters. The path must begin with a forward slash (/), and must end with the filename, excluding the suffix (file extension). The default path is /bin/sftp.

This field is displayed when you select the SFTP transfer method. When displayed, a path is required.

Work data set prefix Data set name prefix for PDUU to use for the work files it creates on the z/OSMF host system. The prefix is optional. It can contain up to 40 characters (including periods), and must comply with z/OS data set naming conventions.
If you do not specify a prefix, z/OSMF generates a prefix that has the format user-id.FTPWK.Pnnnnn.Bbbb.Cccc.Rrandomnumber, where:
  • user-id is your z/OSMF user ID.
  • nnnnn is the problem management record (PMR) number, also known as an electronic technical response (ETR) number.
  • bbb is your branch office.
  • ccc is your country code.
  • randomnumber is a seven-digit random decimal number.

This field is displayed when you select the PDUU transfer method.

Work data set size Size of the work files in megabytes (MB). The work data set size is required. The size must be a number between 1 and 9999 MB. The default size is 100 MB.

This field is displayed when you select the PDUU transfer method.

Work data set data class Data class PDUU uses when allocating the work files on the z/OSMF host system. The work data set data class can contain up to eight characters including alphanumeric characters (A-Z, a-z, and 0-9) and special characters ($ # @). The first character of the data class must be an alphabetic or special character. The data class is optional.

This field is displayed when you select the PDUU transfer method.

Work data set storage class Storage class PDUU uses when allocating the work files on the z/OSMF host system. The work data set storage class can contain up to eight characters including alphanumeric characters (A-Z, a-z, and 0-9) and special characters ($ # @). The first character of the work data set storage class must be an alphabetic or special character. The storage class is optional.

This field is displayed when you select the PDUU transfer method.

Number of FTP sessions Number of parallel FTP sessions PDUU can use when transmitting files. The number of FTP sessions is required. The value must be a number between 1 and 20 sessions. The default is three FTP sessions.

This field is displayed when you select the PDUU transfer method.