z/OS Cryptographic Services ICSF Application Programmer's Guide
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Encrypted PIN Generate (CSNBEPG and CSNEEPG)

z/OS Cryptographic Services ICSF Application Programmer's Guide

The Encrypted PIN Generate callable service formats a PIN and encrypts the PIN block. To generate the PIN, the service uses one of these PIN calculation methods:

  • IBM 3624 PIN
  • IBM German Bank Pool Institution PIN
  • Interbank PIN

To format the PIN, the service uses one of these PIN block formats:

  • IBM 3621 format
  • IBM 3624 format
  • ISO-0 format (same as the ANSI X9.8, VISA-1, and ECI-1 formats)
  • ISO-1 format (same as the ECI-4 format)
  • ISO-2 format
  • ISO-3 format
  • IBM 4704 encrypting PINPAD (4704-EPP) format
  • VISA 2 format
  • VISA 3 format
  • VISA 4 format
  • ECI-2 format
  • ECI-3 format

An enhanced PIN security mode, on PCICC, PCIXCC, CEX2C, and CEX3C, is available for formatting an encrypted PIN block into IBM 3621 format or IBM 3624 format. To do this, you must enable the PTR Enhanced PIN Security access control point in the default role. When activated, this mode limits checking of the PIN to decimal digits. No other PIN block consistency checking will occur.

The callable service name for AMODE(64) invocation is CSNEEPG.

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