z/OS DFSMSdss Storage Administration
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IPLing and running the Stand-Alone Services Program

z/OS DFSMSdss Storage Administration

This topic contains an overview of the Stand-Alone Services process, the procedure to IPL Stand-Alone Services, and specific information about the RESTORE and TAPECNTL commands.

Figure 1 shows an overview of the Stand-Alone Services data restoration process.

Figure 1. Stand-Alone Services Restore Process Overview
Stand-Alone Services Restore Process Overview: Step 1, Prepare for Stand-Alone Services; Step 2, IPL the Stand-Alone Services program; Step 3, restore your dumped volumes.

The following is an overview of the steps necessary to implement the Stand-Alone Services program:

  1. Prepare for Stand-Alone Services by setting up the environment as described in Preparing to run the stand-alone services program, and creating a Stand-Alone Services IPL-able core image with the BUILDSA command. The BUILDSA function is not part of Stand-Alone Services, yet it is necessary before Stand-Alone Services can be IPLed in a stand-alone environment. The BUILDSA command is described in BUILDSA command for DFSMSdss.
  2. IPL the Stand-Alone Services program from your specified tape, DASD, or card reader device.
  3. Restore your dumped volumes with the RESTORE command. The RESTORE command performs a full-volume or tracks restore from a DFSMSdss-formatted dump tape.

    Use the TAPECNTL command to rewind and unload a tape under Stand-Alone Services control rather than perform this function manually.

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