Completing the configuration

After you configure IBM Z OMEGAMON for CICS using your preferred configuration method (either PARMGEN or Configuration Manager), you must complete several post-configuration steps. The post-configuration steps that you must complete are a combination of required steps and optional steps that depend on your particular configuration and monitoring objectives.

Table 1. Steps to complete the configuration
Step Requirement / Context
Copying started task procedures and VTAM definitions to your procedure library and VTAMLST system Required for all configurations
Varying the VTAM major node active Required for all configurations
Granting APF authorization for the runtime load libraries Required for all configurations
Completing the configuration for OMEGAMON for CICS (3270 Classic interface) Required only for the OMEGAMON for CICS Classic interface
Completing the configuration for OMEGAMON for CICS TG Required for all configurations
Completing the configuration for IBM Z OMEGAMON for CICS TG Required only for OMEGAMON for CICS Transaction Gateway on z/OS
If you run the WKANSAMU(KCIJcSYS) job (where c = P if SYSV is not enabled; V if SYSV is enabled), all the started tasks and VTAM major nodes are copied to the system libraries specified for the GBL_DSN_SYS1_* parameter in the configuration profile. If you are using the global VTAM node (RTE_VTAM_GBL_MAJOR_NODE parameter), you can use the WKANSAMU(ccccAPF) imbed member to VARY the node and APF authorize the load libraries. To use ccccAPF, uncomment the placeholder INAPF INCLUDE statement in each started task:
//* Uncomment out the INAPF statement if are using this composite
//* member to APF-authorize the libraries concatenated in the

If you are using a local node, you must VARY the node active and authorize the libraries yourself.

Running the WKANSAMU(KCIJcSYS) job means you do not have to do the tasks that can be completed for every product, above.

Finally, perform the following tasks:

Table 2. Post-configuration steps
Step Requirement / Context
Verifying the configuration Required for all configurations
Enabling security Required for all configurations
Installing language support Required for all configurations