New in inspections

Enhancements to inspection tools include improvements in inspection forms and changes that facilitate work management.

Follow-up work actions

When you complete an inspection form, you can view the asset, location, work order, and inspection details that are associated with the work. You can also create custom actions using automation scripts. Click Take action to see available options.

Inspection form improvements

Improvements to inspection forms make the inspection process more comprehensive.
  • You can associate an inspection form with an asset or location. You can also associate a form with multiple assets or locations at the same time.
  • You can conduct multiple inspections for the same asset or location, and report multiple inspection results in bulk.
  • When you create an inspection form, you can add instructions that relate to specific inspection form questions.
  • You can respond to inspection form questions with date and time information.
  • You can apply multiple inspections to a route.
  • You can record multiple inspection results at one time as a batch based on asset, location, or parent work order information.
  • You can define which inspection form responses require additional action, and which responses provide additional instructions and feedback to the inspector.

Conduct inspections by using speech to text

You can conduct an inspection on your mobile device by using speech to text capabilities. After you answer all questions on the inspection form, review the recorded responses and complete the inspection.